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  • 39 subscribers

Hi, has anyone else felt weak and very tired after third EC Chemotherapy on day 4

  • Hi Poodle!

    I’m not sure what EC chemotherapy is…. I had 4 rounds of systemic chemo prior to starting chemo-radiation, and yes, day 4 was my tired day!  I’d have my infusion on Wednesdays, and Saturday was always the day I’d feel most tired.  I told myself that chemo was doing its job, that it was ok to feel a little broken down and depleted.  I’d rest all day, take care of me, and tell myself to not fight the chemo, to let it work.  I had outstanding results!  Hang in there, and I’m sending good wishes your way that it is as successful for you as it was for me.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi  and welcome to the group. I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling so weak and tired. As  has said, it is usual to feel tired after chemo. You sound to be on a different combination of chemo drugs than I had, but the principal of chemo is the same. Whilst it targets the cancer cells, it unfortunately targets non-cancerous cells too. This depletes the white and red blood cells. After chemo had ended I was exhausted and my red blood cell count was so low as a result of the chemo that I had developed anaemia. Just try and rest as much as possible and try and eat as well as you can,. Always make sure your treating team are aware of any concerns you may have. Hopefully you don’t have many more rounds of chemo to go. Bev 

  • Hi ,

    You've had 2 great responses already from  &  so I don’t have a great deal to add but thought I would jump on & say by far fatigue was one of the most prevalent side effects of the chemo-radiotherapy for me. As Bev has said just make your treating team aware of the way you’re feeling as they may want to check your bloods. I hope you’re feeling a little better soon. 


  • Poodle,

    Bev and Nicola are absolutely right about checking with your team on bloodwork!  I hope your team is watching your labs routinely.  My doctors required bloodwork every week before the Wednesday infusion, and I didn’t actually show up anemic in labs until the very last infusion, which was 3 months after starting!

    Nonetheless, I definitely felt the profound exhaustion every Saturday, day 4, after every Wednesday infusion.

    Take care and best wishes that you continue to power through those tough moments.

    Strength to you,


  • You bet. Not sure what EC chemo is, but I got it for 4 days at the start and then again at the finish of my radiation. First 2 days were fine, then the next 2 I'd collapse into the lounge chair as soon as I got home and more or less stay there until bed. 

    When you're weak and tired- rest! Let your poor bod recover.