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I only had my first treatment yesterday - chemo infusion then radiotherapy. Already I felt groggy and I had driven there.

What I'm struggling with is the logistics of everything.

1. I have nobody who can drive me there.

2. I have to leave my little dog, who is very anxious, and the hospital takes hours. I was there 6 hours yesterday, when it should have been over in 2.

3. The blood tests not coinciding with the radiotherapy appointments, and the hospital is 10 miles away.

4. Trying at the same time to sort my life out. I'm receiving bereavement counselling every week, sorting meals out, dog walks, chemist visits, shopping.

How am I going to cope when I start feeling worse? I'm so worried.

  • Hello puddy, I just wanted to say we hear you. We may not know what the answers are and not reply as we hope that someone comes on here and has been in a similar position as you and can give a little advice. The first appointment is always difficult I suppose as you have the chemotherapy on that day which is a little time consuming. I didn’t have blood tests every day only once a week on a Friday so if that’s the same for you, you will only be going for the radiotherapy. As many will say the weeks will fly by and what side effects you encounter you can discuss with your team. Please tell them your concerns about how you are going to cope. We had a maggies in Addenbrookes who I heard were very good in helping and it sounds like you are struggling right now. Please don’t suffer in silence, do you have any kind neighbours who can help with your dog? Do you internet shop or look into farm foods who do meal delivery which would only be for a few weeks but take the worry out of shopping or internet shop. Hopefully someone will come on here and have some good advice. Julie

  • My neigbours can help with my dog, but they have their own problems, with husband currently in hospital after a viciuos attack. I do have Wiltshire Farm Foods. I struggle to get hold of the blood test appointment line and the chemist - always no reply or engaged. Hayling Voluntary Services can probably help with the driving to the hospital, but that means I'll be away from my dog longer and I start to panic. I'm alrady having bereavement counselling and it's all too much xx

  • Puddy, it sounds like you are having a really tough time at the moment, but I hope and think you will find things start to fall into place as your treatment becomes routine. For instance, as Jaycee says blood tests are usually only once a week, so perhaps you could make them all next time you manage to get through. Or try asking the radiotherapy staff, they might be able to help if you just can't get hold of the blood test people.

    Also your routine radiotherapy sessions should be over and done pretty quickly once you get going, so hopefully your little doggie will be ok on his own for those, and you can have a cuppa and a cuddle with him when you get home.

    I think you will be able to drive ok - the treatment is quite tiring but it sort of catches up with you later in the day (Maybe the cuppa and cuddle with dog could also incorporate a snooze.) 

    If you do feel it is all too much, I would definitely ask for help, there is lots of it out there. You could ring the Macmillan line and they would perhaps be able to help.

    Hugs, all the best.


  • Hi  I can see you’ve already had some really good advice, I just wanted to add that the first day (for me at least) was the worst. The first appointment does take considerably longer, after this I was in and out in about 30 minutes for the radiotherapy appointments. You quickly get used to the routine and I used to wear a dress which I just pulled up to cut down on undressing/dressing time. The hospital can sort patient transport out for you should you feel unable to drive. However sometimes they pick up and drop off other people which can add to the journey time but I would enquire about this.   I’m unsure why the blood tests can’t be arranged to coincide with the radiotherapy sessions. I would ask to speak to one of the colorectal nurses on or radiotherapists, as suggested above, and ask for help to sort this out. Bev x

  • Thank you xx - I have spoken to the radiologist, who said to phone them on the day of my blood tests and they'll try to accommodate me - otherwise it's a 20 mile round trip, twice.

  • Hi  I really hope it gets sorted out, sounds like it will. Please remember we’re all here for you. Bev x

  • Hi Puddy, the first day was wacky for me too- took way longer than I expected. But then they sorted out the schedule and that part got easier.

    I'm mostly worried about you driving. Can you talk to the social worker at the cancer center? You can't be the first person in this position- I bet they have SOME sort of resource to offer.

    Might be a good idea to talk to your vet about some calming meds for your little guy, at least on chemo + rad days. Radiation only goes very quickly. And finding a daily walker would be great, as you may not always feel up to taking further than the front door. 

    You DO have a lot to sort out, but you're doing it now, before you start feeling worse, so good for you! 

    This is not a time to be reticent. Ask for help, and if you don't get it, ask louder. You got this!