Starting Treatment

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  • 48 subscribers

Hi guys, I just wanted to pop on to wish  &  all the very best of luck for today &  for Wednesday on your first day of treatment, try not to worry too much once this first day is over you’ll soon settle into a routine & it’ll be over before you know it. Keep your eyes on the prize so they say! Keep us up to speed on how you’re getting on, we’re always here if you need us. I remember how nervous I was on day one but there really was no need so thinking of you all today. 


  • Awww thank you Nicola, yes today is the day, I’m not really sure how I’m feeling at the moment I don’t really feel anything, I thought I’d be anxious but I’m not haha, will definitely keep you informed how things are going and will be straight on here asking for any advice.

    good luck girls let’s kick this  x x x 

  • Thank you Nicola. Just had my first lot of chemo and now have a pump for the 5FU. Has anyone else had the pump? Showering is going to be a challenge! Joy 

  • I missed this post. Starting tomorrow and very nervous. Not so much for the treatments but the side effects really. Thank you for the post x

  • Hi 

    I know it’s difficult when you’re just starting treatment but try not to think too far ahead of what’s happening right now, the side effects are mainly skin related & gradually build, you’ll be given lotions & potions to use throughout by your radiotherapy & oncology teams. My best advice would be to moisturise, moisturise, moisturise at every opportunity between treatments (front, back, groin, the whole area) to keep your skin in the best condition possible but be careful not to use anything directly before your radiotherapy sessions. My radiotherapy team provided me with an aqueous type cream & I applied it after showering, using the loo & in between & my skin held up pretty well. Also be open & tell your team any side effects you’re experiencing, they’ll have something on hand to help counteract it. All the very best of luck for today. Thinking of you. 


  • Hi BecU86, I had the pump for the 5FU, did the hospital give you some plastic sleeves to put over the picc line? I had to hold the bottle whilst I showered Joy you’re right it’s a challenge. X

  • Hi again ladies  &  I know you’re all a couple of weeks into your treatment now & was wondering how you’re all getting along, hope you’re all doing ok. Thinking of you all. 


  • Morning Nicola, 8 treatments down for me and so far so good. I was sick on the 2nd day but they changed my meds and quickly stopped. It qas awful, I thought I can't do 6 weeks of this. They have since reduced my sickness tablets and think it was more likely the push of mitomycin that caused the sickness and not actual tablets. I was really tired the 1st week but this also seems to have improved a bit. My bum has gone a mottled colour but no burning as yet. Thank you for thinking of us

  • Hi Nikki 65, 

    iv had a very eventful 2 week, 4 days in to my treatment on the Thursday I became very Ill, crushing chest paints couldn’t breathe, this came and went all morning I thought it was really bad heart burn, went to my forth session of radiotherapy and I was sick and grey, so was taken in to a side room, ended up in A& E with suspected heart attack, ended up in icu, then spent 6 days in cardiac care unit on a constant heart monitor, bloods taken, ecg,,all showed a rise, they pumped me full of meds which in the end I refused as they was making to ill.

    This Monday I had a echo scan then on Tuesday I had an angiogram, luckily both came back good news showing no signs of heart attack, no furring, blockages or clots, I came out of hospital after 6 days.

    It turns out that the chemo I was on it’s rare but can cause your blood vessels to spasm and can be serious, so they have taken me off the chemo and just having radiotherapy, I’m really pleased I’m not taking the chemo but a little concerned it may not be a good result as if having both treatments but have an appointment with oncologist on Tuesday so I’m sure he will go all through it with me.

    Thank you for  asking how I’m getting on and talk to the other girls everyday on our little watts app group x x x

  • That’s great to hear , yes I agree it’s often the infusion of mitomycin that causes the sickness the capecitabine tablets aren’t quite so harsh on your system. Good luck for the week to come. 


  • Oh my goodness , that must have been frightening for you! This reaction to the chemo is pretty rare, I have contact with a lady that was treated, after I’d finished my treatment, at the same hospital as myself & she had a very similar reaction, she continued with radiotherapy only with a successful outcome. The chemo side of our treatment (capecitabine) is a cell division inhibitor, from what I understand so it just holds things stable whilst the radiotherapy does it’s thing but the radiotherapy is the mainstay of the treatment. That’s great that you’re all supporting each other, I’ll keep checking in with you all too if that’s ok? Good luck for the coming week & your oncology appointment. 
