Hi everyone! Another newbie!

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Hi ,my name’s Julie and I had my diagnosis confirmed last week,I have squamous cell carcinoma T3N1. Just waiting now for them to give me a start date for treatment,hoping it will be soon as I’m really uncomfortable down there as I’m sure you’ll all understand !! Looking forward to getting to know you all xx

  • Hi Julie (),

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Hopefully you’ll get a start date for treatment really soon, the discomfort caused by our diagnosis can be awful. The good news is that people that have had larger tumours that have caused considerable discomfort prior to treatment report that once they get into treatment they have felt a marked reduction in size of their tumour so hopefully you’ll be the same too. 

    You’ll find lots of support here from people that have gone through a diagnosis of anal cancer. We’ve a ton of experience, hints & tips on getting through the treatment you’re facing so please if you have any questions no matter how personal they might seem please just ask as I can guarantee we’ve all asked them ourselves. If you click on my username you can read a little about my journey there, personally I’m now 3yrs 7months out of treatment with no evidence of disease (NED) & doing well.


  • Welcome Alaskita you have come to the right place for support and comfort

  • Hi I just wanted to echo Nicola and Jaycee12's  welcome to the group. We can all relate to that discomfort here! Prior to treatment my tumour had ulcerated at the end causing pain when walking. The radiotherapy really does pack a powerful punch in reducing tumour size fairly quickly.  Let us know if you have any questions or concerns, someone will always be around to answer them.  Bev 

  • Thanks Nicola I’m sure I’ll soon be bombarding you all with the questions lol xx

  • Ah that’s good to know that the radiotherapy works early on on treatment,can’t wait to sit down properly again!

  • Hi!

    Welcome to the group , this is a great site for support and venting. Ask, Ask Ask away, there's so many people on here that will be able to help and offer support.  Also, dont think anything is too much information or too gross to talk about it. Its all been asked before. 

    My tumour was 7cm, whilst I can still feel a lump, and it will continue to work after you finish for considerable amount of time, I did notice early on that sitting on the hard waiting room chairs became more comfy, I often felt like I was sat on something and I was really fidgety.

    Wishing you all the best for treatment, time will fly once you get started. 


  • Ah thanks for the welcome! Funnily enough my tumour is almost 7cm! I didn’t  realize it was that big to be honest although I’ve no idea what sort of size is actually classed as big or small really! I find I’m at my most uncomfortable in the car,but I saw on here a few days ago a lady had said about the gel cushions being really good,so off I went on Amazon lol and ordered one, it arrived the next day and it really is a godsend. So glad I found this group already xx

  • Hello Julie  

    Welcome to the group! Glad you have found us. I cannot tell you what a huge support this group were to me were last July/August/Sept/Oct when I was going through this. 

    Like you I was finding sitting down very difficult. I was T4 N2 M0. I am about to have (nearly) 6 month scan and I’m feeling great and pain free! 

    Have a good read through this forum you’ll find endless tips and support and feel free to ask us ANYTHING no embarrassment or awkwardness here! 


  • Thankyou so much for that! I’ve just had a call this evening from the radiation department,I’ve got an appointment tomorrow! So relieved as I really feel I’ve been waiting ages from actually knowing I had a cancerous tumour to finally getting somewhere. So you were 4 months recovering? I was wondering how long I might need to be off work, I work in a busy cafeteria , well it is when Covid rules aren’t in force lol. I suppose everyone recovers at a different rate. 4 years ago at exactly this time of year I went through breast cancer,I didn’t need Chemotherapy just radiotherapy and I was off work for almost 4 months then. Was hoping I might not need that length of time this time round,but it is what it is I suppose.Time will tell! So glad that you’re feeling good now,it’s always great to hear that! Thanks for taking the time to reply,I’m sure you’ll hear much more from me soon! Xxx