Delicate skin - here’s something that helps - coconut oil wipes

  • 9 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Dear all, 

Happy New Year! I hope you’re all doing ok. I finished my treatment end of Aug 2021. I don’t know about you but my skin is now very delicate and even using the softest loo roll can damage it. 

I know we’ve all probably used some wipes throughout this and during treatment I’d advise you only use water wipes because your skin is super sensitive and you don’t want any oil based things during radiotherapy but since then I’ve discovered…

Pampers Coconut Pure Wipes

Well these have changed my life! They have coconut oil in them and it means you can wipe thoroughly without causing any damage or tears to the skin and leaves you moisturised. Honestly an absolute godsend!!! I’ve tried all the other wipes but these honestly work best for me. Also helps ladies with any dryness in the downstairs department! And fantastic for taking makeup off - is there anything they can’t do?  Joy

Just thought I’d share! 

  • Hi ,

    Happy New Year to you too! I hope you’re keeping well despite the sensitive skin. 

    Thanks for sharing this, it’s always great to share when you find something that works for you as others can try these also so thanks again. 


  • Thankyou Prettypinkroses what a great tip! It’s really helpful to see what helps with the sensitivity you are left with after treatment. I use water wipes and then a balm called Procoal intensive skin balm which I have found really helpful. The coconut wipes sound good for on the go when you don’t want to take much when you are out and about if it is moisturising.

  • This is amazing, I've literally just come on to ask how people are coping with the radiation burn. I've been crying with pain today, radiographer suggested salt water bath which I thought would sting but didn't. I've also been prescribed something (can't remember the name off hand) but has metal in it so can't be applied less than 2 hrs before treatment. I'll be trying the pampers coconut wipes. I've been laying on my bed with nothing on, on a pet pad (the joys and grossness of this whole experience) just to try and air. 

    thank you for this x

  • Hi ,

    It sounds as though you’re going through the mill right now. When my skin reaction was at it’s peak salt baths were probably where I was at my most comfortable. I used either Epsom salts or Dead Sea salts (both Westlab) I would lay there & keep topping up the bath every time it started to go cold!!… Is it possibly Flamazine cream you’ve been prescribed? I was given this once my radiotherapy finished, Flamazine contains silver which is great for burns apparently but as you say can’t be used prior to treatment. You’re also doing the right thing by trying to get air to your skin. This is somewhere that nothing you can say will gross us out, we all know exactly where you’re coming from unfortunately! I never imagined in my wildest dreams I’d be discussing my bottom & toilet habits so freely with so many people but now it’s just second nature!! 


  • Dear , oh you poor thing. I remember that feeling so well. Just as Nikki65 says below I practically lived in my salt bath! You’d think it would sting but really it’s super soothing and helps you heal so quickly. I just lay in that warm bath and I even bought a gel cushion just for the bath that helped enormously with comfort so I could stay in there longer! Literally hours at a time  it helped so much. 

    Also don’t worry it won’t be like this for long! You’ll get there. Healing is already beginning. Just keep using the prescribed creams and pain killers if required. Just be sure not to use anything with metals or oils during radiation therapy. Sending soothing healing thoughts to you! Xx 

  • Thank you so much for this! The pain is indescribable, isn't it. It's so good to know I'm not alone, and to find tips!

    I spent Christmas Day at home on my own by choice, so I wouldn't have to sit or walk anywhere, or have to hold conversations! I can celebrate when I'm healed.  It will get better - I have so much more admiration for those with chronic pain who don't have an end in sight. 

    Best wishes to you all for a better 2022.



  • Thank you....3 sessions left. I'm so pleased we can discuss such things on here. This eve I was sat on a puppy pad (my 7 Yr old laughed when she saw the pet diaper pack from amazon) after kids were in bed, I shall add, with nothing on my bottom half other than a blanket across my legs to air everything! I never thought I'd be doing this on a Friday night!!!! 

    Have a nice weekend all. 


  • I know, all dignity has up and left the building ha ha! If I’m honest it’s brought our family closer together. And my husband has had a crash course in all things embarrassing but we just laugh and are thankful we’ve had the chance to keep me alive. And I’m out the other side now though still have the occasional caught short moment it doesn’t bother me in the least anymore. Whereas before the thought of having an accident or showing my bits to radiologists or wearing some Tena lady pants or sitting on my bed mats or discussing anything bottomley would have made me keel over with embarrassment (caveat: I still can’t bring myself to say anal though… just say alan instead ha ha) now I just think if it as a means to an end. It’s sooo fantastic to have others on here in the same boat. I think it has helped me more than I can ever say. Immense thanks to all the people on here and to all those who are years past their treatment and are on here every day helping others. Thank you!!!!! Xx 

  • Hi there, that's really handy to know as I am halfway through my treatment and I am really sore.