Aches n Pains

  • 3 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi .. I hope you all had a peaceful Christmas and we’re able to enjoy the season.

I finished my treatment for Anal cancer at stage one at the end of July. I had five and a half weeks of chemo tablets and radiotherapy. In October was told my MRI scan was clear and the tumour had gone. Fantastic news! 
now over the last month have experienced an achey bottom feeling slight pressure around my coxic area. No other symptoms except hard stools. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced these symptoms. I see my oncologist end of January. I’m starting to think the dreaded ‘C’ might be back fearing any new aches and pains. 

Thank you for reading my post. 

  • Hi Lillypop I am just over six months post treatment and apart from sometimes prone to being a little constipated first thing in the morning due to what food I have eaten which may slow moving in the digestive tract I was feeling back to normal. I suddenly, this past 4 weeks have been suffering from hip and groin pain. I put it down to suddenly getting back to rambler walks. My oncologist is considering sending me for a MRI scan as she is concerned about bones and not the cancer coming back. I know exactly how you feel as all sorts start going around your head. I think from what I have read it’s very common post treatment. I see my oncologist at the end of January but the treatment for the cancer is quite effective I have been told but it can cause lots of side effects like aches, itching etc. 

  • Hi Lilypop

    I'm just over two years post treatment and if you ever look back at old posts you'll see that I regularly post about all sorts of aches and pains, itches, soreness, all sorts of things! My mind constantly goes into overdrive and it takes lots of reassurance from nurses and coming on here to keep my worrying in check.

    One thing I have really noticed is how much the consistency of my poos make a difference to all these aches and pains and what I eat plays a massive part in that. I now take a stool softener every night and it really makes a difference in keeping things regular and keeping things less sore. I also find that with aches around the cocxix area, I have to exercise regularly and it gets quite achey if I dont. Also need to massage the bum cheeks and leg a bit as these areas also get achey.

    I asked my nurse recently what is normal and unsurprisingly she said everyone is different, but was not concerned by anything I explained and after all, there are long term side effect clinics for a reason.

    Its so hard not to worry I know, and definitely talk to your oncologist about everything you've explained, but it does sound pretty par for the course.

    Hope all goes well at your next appointment and keep talking on here, it really does help when that mind goes into overdrive!

    Deb x 

  • Hi ,

    Unfortunately these aches & pains seem to be a by product of the radiotherapy. I had quite severe coccyx pain a few months after treatment had finished, this occurred mainly if I’d been sitting too long, I also had/have some hip pain. My oncologist checked on my MRI scan for fractures etc., but all seemed fine thankfully. I have osteoarthritis which mainly causes me issues with my feet & left hip (this was diagnosed long before my cancer) on reflection the radiotherapy has worsened my hip but now 3.5 years post treatment the aches I had in my right hip have on the most part gone & I find most of the discomfort I have now comes from stiffness which from what I understand the radiotherapy can cause some stenosis of the muscles throughout the pelvis & upper thighs etc. I’ve been contemplating asking for a referral to physio to see if some specific exercises would help with this. I find I’m way better if I keep on the move, the stiffness occurs if I sit for any length of time really, although my arthritis dictates that I have to rest sometimes! It’s a constant juggling act! I also suffered with sciatica on both sides which used to be pretty painful but recently I’ve started to notice I only get it if I’ve really overdone things or if I do a long journey driving etc. 

    Regarding the hard stools, are you taking any stool softeners? I’ve used these from day 1 & still use them a couple of times a week now. They make going to the loo so much easier & more comfortable! Just ask your GP (not easy these days I know!) & they should put them on repeat prescription for you. 

    Hope this along with the other replies on your post reassure you a little. 
