Results are in!

  • 11 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi everyone, My MRI scan has come in, I had my face to face appointment and she said NED. What a massive relief and I am at the moment on a high! In three months she said I go in for a consultation and if they feel I need a scan they will do one. After 12 months they do a full body scan. Thank you all for your lovely support. It shows even if you get the niggles and think it’s back it’s not always the case. 

  • Hi Jaycee what fantastic news you must be so relieved. I know what you have been through. Had my mri scan results 12 weeks post treatment for stage 1 annul cancer yesterday and was clear too. We putBlushurselves through so much worry between scans but am so pleased for you. Now just try and relax and start to enjoy life againBlushBlush

  • Hi  and . Great news for you both! What a relief!  Thanks for updating us all Bev x

  • Huge congratulations , after all of that worry over the last couple of days it must be a huge relief for you. Thanks for the positive post, this is great for others that are starting out on this journey to read. Now you can breath. 


  • Congratulations to you too , thank you too for posting your great results. I hope you’re celebrating. 


  • Hi Jaycee

    That's so good to hear and I expect you are over the moon. It makes it all worthwhile. I got my results yesterday too, and although I didn't get an all clear they are hopeful that there is nothing there to worry about. The MRI showed activity in the tumour site. The PET scan showed that the cancer is gone from my lymph nodes and it has not spread anywhere else. They want to further investigate though, and are sending me for a sigmoidoscopy where they want to take biopsies. Not looking forward to that as I am still quite sore down there but feeling very happy that things have much improved since pre treatment. It keeps be positive hearing such good news from you, and from LILIPOP. Enjoy your weekends and celebrate. Serena x

  • Thankyou Serena, and great to hear your news. They are pretty thorough aren’t they. My husband said the treatment is pretty strong to give us the best opportunity to fight this nasty disease. The soreness really does get better in time but when you are feeling sore you wonder when it’s going to stop. After my intimate examination yesterday I am feeling a little sore but we put up with it as it’s so needed to ensure everything is going to plan. When you have your sigmoidoscopy I am presuming you will be having a general anaesthetic so if you are you won’t feel it at least. The soreness gets better as time goes on. My next goal is to sort out my toilet visits and try and work out how I can reduce them with out getting constipated. Take care Julie x

  • Hi ,

    It’s great news that  your lymph nodes are clear & there’s no further spread, hopefully your EUA & biopsies with bring more good news too. It’s not a nice thought having to go through more trauma to the area but with a bit of luck they’ll only need to take small samples of tissue & it won’t cause you too much discomfort. I hope it all goes well & the results bring you good news. 


  • Hi Nicola and Jaycee

    Thank you for your comments. I will be pleased to get the sigmoidoscopy out of the way. No date yet as I have been referred back to the colorectal surgery team I was with before and they really are very unorganised. My oncologist told me to chase them up if I don't hear anything from them within two weeks. Last time I had a sigmoidoscopy, just before diagnosis they didn't find anything. This was probably down to the fact that they had not been sent a letter from the colorectal department telling them what to look for! So I am not holding my breath! On a good note I am getting on with life and am managing to do most things would have done before all this started. I am so busy with work and was working away last weekend and will be this weekend as well. Things are definitely improving and I am feeling positive. It's so good to know that so many of us do go on to have years of life and that there is so much treatment out there that can help us. Yes toilet time and soreness can be an issue but I am learning to live with this as I am sure most of us are doing. A small price to pay for being given such a chance. Serena x 

  • Hello I’m sorry you’re having to go back to your colorectal team. Fingers crossed it’s just some residual that will settle down. I’ll keep everything crossed for you! Xx

  • Dar  Wonderful news! Glad it’s all worked out for you xx