The crazy cancer ride continues - fainting and hot flushes question!!

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Morning all, 

Hope you’re all doing ok. I’ve been under the weather (again!) still not quite out the woods. Downstairs all healed beautifully and so quickly (honestly cannot recommend StrataXRT gel for radiation burns prevention enough, expensive but worth every penny in that respect I seem to be ahead of others treated at the same time as me). 

So I’ve been quiet on here as just getting in with antibiotics for a chest infection. Was hoping that was what all the chills and sweats were (nope they’ve carried on) but I’m less breathless and slightly more “me” than I was.

However, the nausea carries on in the background which makes eating a trial but I’m doing it none the less as need the nutrition (have lost 2.5 stone which is a good thing as I had it to lose!) and we aren’t sure yet of the exact cause but likely bloody pressure related as I am dizzy and fainty almost all the time. Brain a scan ruled out mets (although I was always sure that it wasn’t that but I seem to have the most thorough onco ever! Great chap) but the other day typically the only time my husband has left me alone I fell in a dead faint and woke up face planted into the carpet. Sounds funny but I was so disorientated and no idea what had happened, how long I’d been there and obviously hadn’t managed to put my hands out to save me and had landed on my nose, ouch! Not broken just bruised! It took me a while to get myself up as I just seemed so slow and my arms were like lead. 

Anyhoo have had MORE blood tests (will have hardly any blood left at this rate!) to see if there is anything viral or post viral going on. Plus possibly it may be a blood pressure problem as I mentioned  above. Saw a liver specialist yesterday because liver still wasn’t improving since we ditched chemo 4 weeks ago although ironically the blood tests arrived the morning of the liver consultation were slightly improved! He was happy that although the numbers look alarming they just show liver in distress nothing sinister. Phew! So just seems I took a particular dislike to chemo and am taking longer to recover than most. He’s organising an ultrasound scan too just to have a peep at it and presumably to make sure it’s not just a bag of rosé wine ha ha! (Don’t worry have touched a glass in months.. too green for that!). 

So I’m trying to get to bottom of some of the things that actually may not be caused by virus or illness at all. Like the hot flushes. I was perimenopausal prior to this (I’m 51) so had tried bioidentical HRT a couple of years ago but actually felt it was a bit over the top for me at the time as my symptoms weren’t that strong didn’t really have hot flushes. I used Oestrogel and progesterone  pills. 

Well I’m assuming now that I will no longer have periods that I do not require the progesterone part of that treatment. Does anyone know if you just use the Oestrogel on its own? Obviously I’ll speak to my doctor next week but wanted you knowledgeable ladies input before I try it out and your thoughts on if it’s worth it  

Currently being very careful about giving my poor liver a rest. I have no need of any pain killers anymore (hooray, small wins) and have finished strong antibiotics and antivirals. So I don’t want to start taking random stuff unnecessarily although the gel is topical so shouldn’t affect my liver and I’d love to knock these wretched hot flushes on the head! 

Anyone else had the constant dizziness and any fainting this long after treatment? Someone mentioned “radio sweats” to me like a hot flush whilst the radio carries on working after you finish treatment? 

Thank you lovely ladies (and gents!) grateful as always for any input. Hope all good with you. Have a lovely weekend!!! 

M x 

  • Hi   sorry to hear you have all these ongoing issues. I can’t answer the question about progesterone, you would need to consult your GP. I’m not really up on menopause issues. Can you remember if you fainted immediately after standing up as I see you have blood pressure issues and someone I know has been fainting when standing up and has been diagnosed with postural hypotension. There are so many causes of fainting  though that’s a shot in the dark. May be worth mentioning to your doctor. Bev x

  • Hi my dear, I'm so sorry that you're going through all that you are. Zapping that 'demon' certainly comes at a price doesn't it! The hot flushes and sweats I have now too which I didn't before treatment. Having Radiotherapy in the area we have means no child bearing, early menopause and narrowing of the vagina plus many other gynecological issues which I was warned and informed about before I started my treatment. I have a cyst on my ovary that my gynecologist would in normal circumstances remove. However because of the post Radiotherapy effects it is not possible as it could cause worrying complications. Having said all of that I am very grateful for the positives too. I'm here, I can sit down without pain and I am hopeful for the future. I wish you all the best and hope you are feeling better soon xxx Marie 

  •  I’m embarrassed to have more things, I guess my already rubbish immune system has just taken a big hit.

    I hadn’t just got up, I’d been standing for about a minute or more before walking out to the hall. We did a postural hypotension test at my clinic. Of course it was fine that time they tested me but this doesnt always happen when getting up it’s just random (but often) although most times I don’t black out I just lose my balance and vision starts to tunnel and I can catch myself. My hands in particular tingle crazily so that does point to blood pressure. will get to the bottom if it might be an amalgamation of several things! 

    I know re HRT women that have had a hysterectomy just use the oestrogen as they’re now, of course, infertile so am assuming will be similar but will check with GP on Monday. 

    Thanks again for your reply x 

  • It certainly does come with a price and I understand we may have this continue for years some things will go and others will stay and some may not start for years. Seems unfair as if we haven’t been through enough but eternally thankful for the chance to still be here!!! 

    I have the dilators but not been able to use them yet because of viral flare up. Can’t say I’m enthused but I will start them in the next week or two. When I chatted with onco he mentioned I won’t need any more smear tests as I already had a problem with those as speculum as we’re always to big and too long and caused me great pain. At first I didn’t realise you can ask for a small size, I know now! But he sad they will be able to check in other ways which is a great relief (20 yrs ago I had part of my cervix removed because of a change in cells is CIN III final stage before they become cancer which I now know can be a precursor to this. Wish doctors had mentioned that to me then!). 

    I hope your cyst doesn’t cause you too much pain and discomfort and you can get sorted soon. 

    Thanks again x