That’s a wrap folks…

  • 2 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Last day of radio… done & dusted!!! Woohoo!! 

Feeling much better after stopping chemo 3 days ago. Onco reassures it won’t change the outcome. Skin looking good so thank you ladies for all your tips he says it was the best skin condition he’s ever seen!! As my radio was quite high dose. 

Only one more hurdle — he’s organising a brain scan because I keep losing my balance or going to pass out. We are pretty sure it’s the remnants of the chemo as my system was in distress but can’t be too careful (my father had secondary brain cancer). So that should happen in a couple of weeks but strangely I dont feel at all worried about that. Pretty sure it is all ok up there. Maybe they’ll even find a brain.. ha ha

Thanks again for all the wonderful support, love and top tips. Truly a fabulous group. 

much love to all

M xx Kissing heart 

  • Hi great  news that you're through treatment and out the other side. It's good to hear that all the tips on here helped with your skin. Just make sure you get plenty of rest to help you heal, it's a powerful treatment you've had and does tend to wipe you out.   I do hope your brain scan will be ok and it's reassuring to see that your Oncologist is on the ball in organising a scan so swiftly. Bev x

  • That’s great news , now onto the healing process, I hope the scan appointment comes through quickly & that’ll all be ok so it’s another concern you can put to bed. It’s amazing how quickly that time passes when you’re in treatment isn’t it? So pleased you’re all finished. 
