It’s back

  • 2 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi everyone, I haven’t posted in a long time because I get scared of talking about cancer and the fear that I won’t see my children grow up so I try and forget it all. I need to face my fear today as I’ve had devastating news. 

I was treated for a very large anal cancer last year because doctors failed to diagnose me for 3years despite bleeding ridiculous amounts. I finished my treatment in July and had good results at my 3 monthly appointments until may when I started to get a lot of pain. They sent me for scans which they then lost so it’s taken 2 months to get the results.  The scan has showed pre sacral thickening which they’ve said is cancer but they don’t know how bad it is until I’ve had a PET scan but they’re very concerned.

Has anyone been through this and beat it again? I feel like I’ve got a big death sentence hanging over me and it’s terrifying, emotionally I’m a total wreck but I know I need to be strong for my family. Any advice would be great thank you. 

Marie xx

  • Hi there Marie (),

    I’m so sorry that you’re facing this right now! Although I have very little knowledge on pre-sacral cancers I felt I needed to respond to your post to let you know we’re here whenever you need us. 

    Do you have a date for your PET scan? If not & you don’t hear anything very soon please don’t be afraid to chase it up with your team, don’t let it be another error in your care, it sounds as though there has been too many already! 

    I completely sympathise how you must be feeling & the situation with wanting to be strong for your family, I’m very much the same, I tend to only fall apart when I’m alone. I also know the damage that can be done by holding all of these emotions in so even if it means  getting a few minutes to yourself & having a good cry you need to try & let it all out. 

    I really hope that you get your PET scan really soon & all is well elsewhere. You’re in my thoughts & if you feel up to it let us know how things go. You know where we are. 


  • Hi , I’m very sorry to hear this. Obviously you need the PET scan doing ASAP and I would chase this as  has said. Hopefully this will show no further spread. Given all the delays you’ve had previously I would be onto the hospital on a very regular basis to make sure this appointment comes through, until then you’re understandably going to be fearing the worst. Please consider confiding in your GP if you feel you are becoming unable to manage. Bev. X