Checking in… about to start Cycle 4

  • 8 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hello all, 

Well I’m just about to start cycle 4 tomorrow. Can’t believe it’s going so quickly, just 2 weeks left to go. Have had my ups and downs it’s fair to say, hence radio silence on here.

I was very poorly in cycle 2 with neutropenia but we managed to pull it back and carry on with chemo & radio and last week tests showed  my liver is playing up and is showing signs of stress (and platelets v low). So will have more tests this week. Had to laugh when my oncologist asked if I’d had any wine! I haven’t even been able to go in the kitchen I’m so nauseous even with my anti nausea meds, toast is exotic as it gets at the moment god forbid anyone even brought a glass of wine even near me!! Nauseated face My sense of smell is so heightened too, anyone else had that? I’ve lost 11.5kg since January. Seem to be stabilising now and I’m able to eat small plain meals little and often. 

Cycle 2 and 3 were pretty horrendous with pain and I also had some sort of virus too (sore throat, hacking cough, runny nose also got herpes breakout and had my period for 12 days straight!)) because my immune system had crashed I honestly could barely lift my head, not even the energy to speak, shivers, chills and night sweats. I also passed out several times a day whenever I got up to rush to the loo, not ideal!  my husband was very concerned as I did look worryingly unwell. 

Anyhoo I rallied on Wednesday night / Thursday and feel night and day better! Just got the usual suspects radiation cystitis and some itching but trying to keep on top of those with water and Piriton. Have just ordered some vagisil cream as apparently that also helps with the pain and itching. I have Instillagel too and Polymem dressings are also fantastic that I put on after my StrataXRT gel  so far no broken skin or sores! Been having alternate pink Himalayan salt baths and oat baths (moisturising and anti inflammatory). Still haven’t broken out the sitz bath but use my easy bidet water bottle every time! (My new best friend!!!)  

My hair is shedding a LOT too, is that normal? It’s also fluffy and dry and not itself at all  am assuming it’s all the medications and chemo pills? On the plus side I seem to have a complimentary full bikini wax downstairs!!! Joy

I hope everyone else is doing ok - so thankful for all the information on here and top tips  it’s made all the difference! 

best wishes 

M x 

Stage 3 T4 N2 M0

  • Oh gosh  you’ve really been through the mill haven’t you? Although this treatment is no walk in the park I think it’s pretty bad luck that you’ve had such extreme reactions, it must have been just awful for you! I’m so pleased that you’re feeling a bit better now. My hair thinned quite a bit, not that anyone else would notice though & it also went quite dry & as you’ve described ‘fluffy’ on the ends, this didn’t resolve until I’d had a couple of really decent cuts on it after treatment had finished & it was possibly a year before I felt it had got back into good condition. 

    You’re well over halfway there now & I’m sure the next 2 weeks will fly over for you. Good luck with this week’s treatment & I hope all goes well. 


  • Hi  all that sounds like a lot to cope with, I really am sorry to hear what you’ve had to go through. It would perhaps have been an idea for your doctor to have prescribed Acyclovir or Valacyclovir  when you started treatment, There’s a high chance of herpes outbreaks when going through treatment as your immune system inevitably drops. As your immune system will take some time to recover, if you find your outbreaks continue, you can always ask your doctor to prescribe you a continuous course of antivirals until your immune system picks up. What a good idea about the oat baths, they must be very soothing. I didn’t have the heightened sense of smell during treatment, not heard of that side effect before.  I quite enjoyed the complimentary bikini wax too. It does grow back though! You’re nearly through to the other side now! Won’t be long before it’s all done. Bev x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Hi 1in1500,

    I wanted to ask about the chance of herpes outbreak during/after treatment. Are you talking about genital herpes? I as because I just noticed yesterday that I have a couple of small vaginal lesions about the size of pimples. I haven’t been told about anything like this but I was immediately concerned when I found them.


  • Hi  yes it’s common to have a genital herpes outbreak during treatment due to the depression of the immune system. Have you previously  been diagnosed with genital herpes or is this a new condition you think you may have? The diagnosis procedure I think is via a swab of the suspect sores. Bev. 

  • Thank you  and  Sparkling heart just got my bloods and liver results back for this week. Neutrophils are back up but now have Lymphocytopenia and liver results much worse. They’re not stopping treatment. I’ve only got 8 to go and actually I feel ok. Just going to have to be very careful so whole family is going to isolate with me until treatment ends! (End of next week).  I’m thankful I just feel so much better than I did. Just have to be very careful (not that I go anywhere but to the clinic and straight back). 

    Nearly there…. Xx 

  • Hi again , you’re definitely not having much luck! But it’s good that you’re feeling ok & your team seem to be keeping a close eye on you & like you say just 8 more to go & you’ll be done. I think the isolation precautions you’re taking are wise with the complications that you’ve had. Good luck for this last stretch of your treatment it’ll soon be over. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    1 in 1500,

    I have never had genital herpes. I’ll talk to my gynecologist. Thanks for the reply.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Prettypinkroses

    Pretty pink roses, 

    Glad you’re feeling better. I got very sick during treatment also. Thought we were going to have to stop treatment but I was able to complete it. I finished on July 19 and my blood levels are still out of whack. My oncologist says that’s to be expected. I’m staying home because I know I’m susceptible to everything. COVID-19 is on the rise again here........another thing to worry about!

    Good luck with the rest of your treatment!
