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I feel guilty asking this question when I had such brilliant news on Wednesday. Following my Wednesday I was so happy and excited but these last couple of days it's turned into anger. I was awake all last night 'stewing' over anything and everything... has this happened to others? My poor husband lifted the lid on my slow cooker today and I went ballistic. I've tried to keep myself to myself since then. Honestly I just would like to know is this normal to happen now. I know that many in our situation after diagnosis, through treatment and early side effects have many emotions including anger but why now? Xxx Marie 

  • Hi Mecca

    Totally normal I reckon. I think like you said, the range of emotions is just overwhelming throughout every stage. My psychologist told me just to acknowledge the feelings, accept them and know that it's ok to feel whatever you feel. I think it's really confusing and I think we are conditioned that we 'should' feel a certain way, but it doesnt compute with reality.

    It doesnt help the people around us much though either, I know in the early days my husband didn't have a clue what to expect from me from one day to the next and I was very aware that I was jumping down his throat for slightest of things. 

    The only advice I have is just be kind to yourself about it, dont feel guilty that you feel angry, dont judge yourself at all. It is how it is and tomorrow things will probably feel different 

    Deb x 

  • Thank you, I never had the anger or asked why me all the way through. I suffered terribly from anxiety, stress, fear and I've been told depression. But not anger! Like you have said I should knowledge that I'm not expected to feel a certain way and it means a lot you saying that. I hope you are okay and dealing with all that our situation holds. Thank you again xxx Marie 

  • Hi there, I am nearly 7 weeks post treatment and only just starting to physically feel improvement on the skin side of things apart from this blessed external pile! During recovery I was finding periods of emptiness, tearfulness some times turning to full on sobbing which my husband would say just let it all out! I have friends who say I am doing so well and looking so well and I sometimes feel like saying you do not see underneath all this. I am glad your treatment has been a success and can only think all this bottled up emotion we go through can surface and we cannot control it. I worked in mental health for many years and can actually empathise more with those who have depression. You just want someone/thing to rip this out of you as you have been touched by a life changing experience. I think your anger is just another form of stress that has come with what you have gone through. We have to be kind to ourselves and honest with others as to how we feel inside which can be totally different as to how we look on the outside. You have a lot to be proud of dealing with the treatment and recovery process. Take care x

  • Hi  I think you’re right, anger is a form of stress. I have felt angry when friends have said ‘ don’t worry, just stay positive and you’ll be fine’ and things like that, although I know they mean well. A cancer diagnosis is a life changing experience and there’s so many different emotions that run alongside it. I’m just glad we have this group where we all truly understand what a toll such a diagnosis takes on us. Bev x