
  • 2 replies
  • 37 subscribers


I'm coming up to 2 years post treatment and just wondering whether anyone has experienced bladder issues at all. I'm finding that every now and then I get cystitis type feelings, quite sharp and uncomfortable and then if I down a load of water it passes again.

I'm starting to wonder if its food/fluid type related and just wanted to see whether anyone experiences anything similar? 

I know my consultant always asks me how my bladder is but up to now I've not had any issues.

Deb x

  • Hi  whilst I had radiation cystitis during radiotherapy, I haven’t had cystitis since. My Consultant told me the radiation would catch my bladder within its field so perhaps this may have also happened to you although it seems a little odd you are only having symptoms now. I would probably put a call in to the colo-rectal nurses at your treating hospital just for some reassurance , they are so helpful at my hospital. One thing I found during treatment was I thought I’d finished weeing only to find it still trickling out when I stood up. This has massively improved although it still happens occasionally and I suspect it is caused by someone’s of sensation in the bladder. Bev. 

  • Hi ,

    I also suffered from radiation cystitis on & off from the second week of treatment & although it’s not quite the same I did continue to have similar to what you’re experiencing but it would only happen once then the next time I went to the loo I’d be fine again! I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s probably been inflammation of my urethra. It hasn’t happened very often maybe half a dozen times in the 3 years since I finished treatment but it’s always worth you speaking to your GP or your treating team if it keeps happening.
