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hi all, I wondered if my GP practice is one of those that will not prescribe any medication or creams that can be bought over the counter? I have seen some members on here who are lucky to have doctors who are happy to give ongoing repeat prescriptions for creams etc. I was also running out of morphine and ordered more on Friday which would have reach my chemist on Monday to be told they hadn’t received it and to ring my surgery. The staff member at the surgery told me I was not due another until next week! Well they give me 100ml with instructions to take four hourly 2.5ml and 3.5ml at bedtime. This would mean at 13.5 a day it would last one week. I made it last 13 days cutting the amounts. Eventually they agreed to give me more. I also take paracetamol and ibuprofen which they will not prescribe. My oncologist nurse at the hospital reassured me I would not become addicted as I am on a very low dosage and in pain. I think the stress of coping with the pain and everything I felt it was stressful worrying about getting enough pain relief which at the hospital they reassure you they do everything in their power to help. 

  • Hi Jaycee

    You can really do without this stress, I know. I did have a few problems with my doctors and pharmacy a few weeks ago, when they told me they wouldn't be able to get my prescriptions for two weeks. I found out that this was down to cost, as they were hoping I would get the items from the hospital. I did persist and managed to get it in the end but did have to get some from my hospital to tide me over. They also refused to let me have my stool softeners on prescription and I had to buy a pack. However after speaking to my GP i did manage to get the next lot on prescription. They don't seem too worried about prescribing morphine as they gave me two bottles for two weeks in a row, which I didn't need, as I am trying to only take it when I need it.

    When you are feeling so ill and vulnerable post treatment, this is the last thing you need and it makes me angry that the doctors cant seem to sympathise and be more cooperative. They don't appear to understand how debilitating our symptoms can be and the effect that their actions can have on physically and psychologically. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this right now. Perhaps you could ask your oncologist to write to your doctor. I know that mine did this for me at the end of my treatment with regard to painkillers. Good luck and try not to get too frustrated if you can, 

    Serena x

  • Hi 

    The Flamazine I used post treatment was put on repeat prescription by my GP but was removed after about 6 months, I still have my laxido & aqueous cream on repeat prescription but I always, right the way through treatment & in my recovery bought my own paracetamol, my oncologist provided some high strength ibuprofen & lansoprazole during treatment but after that I bought my own ibuprofen & just had the lansoprazole on prescription. I’m sure I heard somewhere ages ago that GP’s didn’t prescribe paracetamol any longer (don’t take that as gospel though!!) & each surgery could be different. I know from my auntie being prescribed morphine that it’s very closely monitored by your GP & the chemist dispensing it but surely as long as it’s lasting as long as it should it proves you’re not over using & you’ve made it last almost twice as long as it should have. Following my surgery prior to treatment I was prescribed oromorph & it was a pretty small bottle! Maybe trying to get a telephone consultation with your GP to discuss your repeat prescriptions would be good (although easier said than done I know!). I hope you get sorted. 


  • Its a bit mad isn't it, they gave me a script for paracetamol, I said, I dont want this, its costing you £10 but I can buy it for £1. She said take it, I felt a bit rubbish, paracetamol ! hello it's £1 in the shop.

    I had the morphine gel, only used one tube, gave 9 tubes back to the pharmacy a week later to be destroyed, not recycled. Saw the price on it £15 a tube, thats £135 in the bin, and other people suffering.

    I have an unopened POLYMEM 4 rolls and 2 single roll packs. I looked it up about disposal yesterday, if I take it to the pharmacy it will be destroyed. I looked on ebay, cheapest was £50 a packet ! I'd love to send it to one of you but the admin comes down on me like a ton of bricks, "dont ask for others details", like I'm gonna come round and rob your house, yeah right. Anyone want this polymem ? good stuff, it really helped me.  You find Sarah Lovett, would have sent the morph gel but it is in a bin somewhere. Everythings crap. find me, i'll post it to you.

  • I will continue to buy my own tablets but hopefully they will give me the stool softeners for a bit longer. I stopped it for one day and tried prune juice. Big mistake! It just wasn’t suitable for me. I have just been to our local oxyg therapy centre to find out information on its suitability and if it will help. No promises but very interesting. I have to info my GP and the oncologist. Has anyone else had this?

  •  Hi Julie, one way to avoid all the GP & hospital stress is to get a referral to your community palliative care team.  Mine give me whatever drugs I need as well as emotional & practical support.  They’re always there when I need them but they back off at times like now when I don’t want to see anyone with an ologyJoy

    I don’t have any contact with my GP now apart from automated repeat prescriptions, & a 6-monthly brief chat with the UCLH consultant to say I’m still alive.  Nothing personal, but the system is overloaded & I won’t be a victim of it if I can cope without it.

    So sorry you’re having to go through this added unnecessary stress   xx  toni

  • Thank you for all your replies. I really appreciate the support on here from you all x

  • I phoned my surgery today and spoke to them about my problems and they have been brilliant. The said they have upped my prescription so that I will not have to worry now!

  • That’s great news , thats one less thing to worry about.
