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Just wondering if anyone else has struggled mentally after treatment finished? I think perhaps heightened with lock down experience. I’ve all clear, finished treatment 23/12/220, recovered well and was really pleased with progress. Completed CR_UK walk all over cancer and raised lots of money. However now struggling mentally, I think perhaps all happening and positive result but now nothing means I’ve gone from all to nothing. Has anyone else experienced this? Just wondering if aftermath of the Cancer experience or something else?? Ruth

  • Hi Ruth (), 

    I think until you’ve actually been through it you don’t realise that having a cancer diagnosis & subsequent treatment can be as much of a mental battle as it can be a physical one. The key for me was keeping busy, I tried to keep my mind occupied at all times even if that meant doing some decorating (I hate decorating with a passion!!), I refurbed the garden & upcycled a dining room set, if I wasn’t up to anything physical just sitting & reading a good book or doing a crossword on my days off work helped a lot. If you find yourself struggling to concentrate on anything give your GP a ring & ask if they know of any cancer specific counsellors or maybe your oncology team could point you in the right direction of someone. The right counsellor will be able to give you coping strategies to help whenever these feelings arise. Most importantly be kind to yourself you’ve been riding a really bumpy road these last few months & self-care is really important now more than ever. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65


    I had a wobble/emotional day yesterday after I booked my MRI scan, first one after treatment. 

    I just felt like I had dealt with the diagnosis,  then the treatment, then post-treatment side effects, been fazed back into work and starting to feel "normal" again, then "bang!" I'm back into "I have/had cancer".

    I'm not sure if this helps or if others have felt similar.


  •   Hi Ruth, I suspect most of us have struggled mentally before, during & after treatment! - I certainly have.

     (Nicola’s) wise words are worth re-reading.  You inspired me to go for regular longer walks - thanks again for that - and you play golf if I remember right.  If the things you usually enjoy aren’t helping then it’s a sign that a visit to your GP and/or a counsellor might be good.  A little help from antidepressants can make a huge difference.

    I go for an hour or so brisk walk most days now, & recently started playing table tennis 3 or 4 times a week so that there’s some regular fun in my life.  The only reason I don’t have clinical depression is that I’ve been there before & learned the warning signs - & make sure I act on them.

    You’re probably right that it’s because you’ve gone from all to nothing.  Is there anything else, maybe something you have enjoyed, you could try again?  xx  toni

  • Hi Rebekah, ()

    Firstly congratulations on completing your treatment, I hope you’re doing well.

    Yes I completely understand what you’re saying about being pulled back to that ‘cancer patient’ place. 

    I’m a little over 3 years post treatment & although I know there’s little chance at this stage that I should get any recurrence as soon as I go for my annual scans or a check-up is looming it can still take me back there! So if it’s any help at all I think this will probably be the case for most of us. 

    Sending lots of positive thoughts your way for your scan results. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65


    Thank you so much. It's good just to know your not alone feeling this way.


  • Hi   and   my 2 year results are coming up and all the old anxieties are resurfacing.  I have found distraction is the best way to cope with this. Fortunately my job keeps me busy all day but inevitably my mind does wander to the 'what if' scenarios.  I have also been trying to exercise more which has helped.  as I mentioned a while back,  I was having issues with pain in my pelvic bones after cycling so I went into a cycle shop and asked for advice- bought some padded cycle shorts, never knew such a thing existed!  So with those on and my gel seat things are so much better. Managed an 11 mile off road cycle recently with minimal pain on the old bones the following day!  I had thought cycling was off limits post the radiotherapy so very happy that I've found a way round this issue.  Bev

  •  Well done Bev for your off road ride!  There’s a massive choice of padded shorts & gel saddles so there’s scope for experimenting if need be.  Did you know you’re not supposed to wear anything under the shorts? - that always seemed silly to meJoy

    I bought an e-bike for my last 6 months of cycle training - expensive but ridiculously good fun!  Now that I can’t sit for long I use one of those illegal e-scooters to get to table tennis.

    Keep having fun on your bike!  xx  toni