What Do I Eat???

  • 2 replies
  • 37 subscribers

It’s been 3 days post treatment and I was feeling decent today so I ate a salad. That was a big mistake! I was in the bathroom with pain and diarrhea all afternoon. I’ve been eating mostly bland white foods for a few days and felt a little constipated this morning. I though the salad would get things moving. Boy did it ever! Not in a good way. What are some foods that you all have found tolerable? I have read some information about a low residue diet. Anyone try that? I’m at a loss as to what to eat!

  • Hi ,

    It’s very much trial & error where diet is concerned, different foods affect different people in different ways, the best thing I’ve done is keep a food diary then you can pretty easily pick out trigger foods. You should find as you get further on in your recovery you’ll be able to tolerate foods that probably at the moment you can’t. I’ve found my body doesn’t deal with sugar very well anymore, which isn’t a bad thing, most types of nuts & eggs cause me awful bloating & constipation more or less straight away & alcohol I can have in moderation. I can eat most fruit & vegetables & I’m fine with meat & fish, I tend to eat a pretty clean diet so not much processed foods as in the early days I found things stayed pretty stable eating this way. Hope this helps a little I’m pleased you’re feeling ok. 


  • Hi mgo42721, Good to hear you are on the other side of treatment and are feeling good, but understand your issues with eating. 

    I am 9 yrs NED, but remember those weeks after treatment when it came to eating. I basically stayed with a bland diet for the 1st month, because our system has gone through so much. 

    I stuck to mashed potatoes, soups and things I ate during treatment that didn't cause issues. As you get a few more weeks out maybe you can try different foods and see how you do. 

    Wishing you the best from a fellow Bumlander, Theresa!