Physically and mentally!!

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Oh my goodness, these last few weeks have been a great deal to deal with! I've had the scans post treatment for the ac and also on Monday for an all new different ball game anouther (to worry about). I'm definitely struggling with scansiexty (don't know how to spell it). Last week was my birthday and although I was totally exhausted by it all I truly enjoyed myself and something positive to focus on... but! That, took my mind away from the what ifs and so this week was a place of; Dark thought options!! Thankfully I have my hypnotherapy session on Thursday and I have to say that the poor woman has a lot to deal with! She did in my telephone session where she asked a lot of questions and decided to accept me filled me with confidence. And so I will let you know how I get on xxx Marie 

  • Hi Marie, lovely to see a post from you again!Blush

    Dark thoughts - yes, that’s almost the hardest part of all this, isn’t it.  Have you noticed that whenever you have something positive to focus on - buying dresses, putting on makeup, your birthday parties, planting flowers, managing to stand up in the shower - you feel at least a bit better?

    That’s what years of clinical depression in the 90s taught me - regardless of what it costs me, I try to do something every day that gives me a sense of achievement.  Even on really bad days, if it’s only doing the washing up…

    Hope your hypnotherapy session on Thursday goes well, and in the meantime I hope you can distract yourself from too much worrying  xxx  toni

  • Hi  as  has said it’s really good to hear from you. Waiting for scan results truly is an incredibly stressful time. My scans are due at the end of July and I have that horrible knot of dread in my stomach when I think about them. I’m on holiday at the moment, first break in a long time, and am managing to relax a bit but inevitably those dark thoughts return don’t they. The only advice I have is to keep as busy as possible and let the thoughts out about your fears, don’t bottle them up. Always come on here for support, we all empathise with how you’re feeling. I’m hoping the session on Thursday will help you. Take care. Bev xx