Radiotherapy burn symptoms

  • 5 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi all, apart from experiencing lots of light green pus from front and back end which involves regular cleaning as it stings can any of you tell me how your radiotherapy burns healed. My area is red with lots of white bumps all over but I don’t think they are blisters. A duty doctor called last weekend and gave me some vagisil to help numb the area and wondering if this is the reason. It’s difficult as I cannot find and pictures of stages of healing. Any feedback would be very appreciated 

  • Hi ,

    My skin didn’t break down badly but when I’d passed the peak of my treatment symptoms where the skin was red & inflamed the surface began turning white & when I queried it at my appointment my oncologist told me this was the beginning of the new skin forming. I’m not 100% sure if this will be the same as what you’re experiencing. 


  • Hello Nicola, I have just got back from the hospital and was told it is part of the healing and looking normal to what they would expect. I think the white lumps are probably what is going to be new skin. She said it is still very inflamed and will take a week to two before I see any improvement! I am already 15 days post treatment so was hoping I would be passed the worst. I have come off the morphine as it was making me so thirsty and found I was drinking through the night and up every hour to go to the toilet. I am trying the Paracetamol and ibuprofen method you used, to see if that is enough. If not then I am to take co-codomal. I feel okay apart from a little fragile until I need the Loo and that is very painful. I suppose I will have to be patient.

  • Hi again ,

    Yes sounds the same as what I was told then. I’d definitely give the paracetamol & ibuprofen a try, I also took lansoprazole on a morning to protect my stomach as the ibuprofen I had was high dose. I literally just found I suddenly turned a corner with the healing process & from then things healed pretty quickly & we’re a lot easier. If you take the pain relief regularly whether you need it or not then hopefully it’ll take the edge off when you have to go to the loo, also if it’s not that way already I’d advise keeping things soft so that it’s easier on your skin etc. I’ve also heard of a couple of people that have been prescribed creams with mild anaesthetic properties that make things a little less painful when going to the loo. I hope you start feeling better soon. 


  • I truly hope so too Nicola. I have been a bit weepy on and off today. I told myself I will get through this two weeks ago and now feel a bit overwhelmed with the thought of possibility another two weeks.  A new day tomorrow and I will try and be more positive 

  • , don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s very early days for you yet, remember the battering our bodies take throughout this treatment, it’s damn harsh! You will get there & we’ve all had the days where we’ve been weepy & felt overwhelmed, I certainly did, sometimes I felt during my recovery I was taking 2 steps forward & 3 steps back, it’s not a smooth road. I just used to remind myself that I would get through it, I would get my life back, I did & I have. I used to go to bed on a nighttime with the mantra that tomorrow would be a better day & although it was difficult some days I always tried to remain positive, in my opinion recovery is as much of a mental battle as it is a physical one. I hope today is a better day for you. 
