Start date

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  • 43 subscribers

Finally I have a start date !!! I’ve my covid jab Friday ... Monday I’m being measured up for treatment and then actual treatment starts Monday 22nd of March !!! I’ve had a melt down this afternoon  but I’m back on track!! Hope your all well . Linzey X x x 

  • That’s great news on all fronts !!… Covid vaccination White check mark planning appointment White check mark treatment start date White check mark… I know the nerves do kick in a bit & I think once you have that date the reality dawns & I too had a meltdown but you seem such a positive, glass half full person that I’m sure you’ll view it in a positive light once the shock of having that actual date wears off. 


  • Congrats Linzey  on your start date!  You’re really good at bouncing back after meltdowns:)  With your positive attitude & fab support network you’re going to get through this & be back out there with your sheep ASAP.  Is it lambing season in Lancs yet?  Toni  x

  • That is good Linzey, I just started week 3 treatment of 5.5 weeks and its not too bad so far. I'm taking it easy and it's a bit boring but it is hopefully not for long and we can climb out the other side. It's good to have a meltdown now and again, specially if someone is there for you , kind of clears the air.  Look after yourself now.

    very best wishes,


  • Good evening . People around us have started lambing but we don’t officially start till the 1st April. Because we are a hill farm we try and leave it a bit later in the HOPE of better weather and bit more grass!! John bought me 3 in lamb ewes a few weeks ago and 1 is due on the 18th of March !! She’s having twins !! Last week at the oncology appointment I was examined he also did a vaginal examination and I think he’s upset things I’ve had a bit of pain and swelling which apparently is normal as I’ve spoke to the nurse .. can’t stand up for 2 long and having to keep lying down that type of thing !!! Anyway I’m now on co codamol  which has been great . I started taking it this morning . I’ve been very careful drinking plenty as I know it can cause constipation so I only took 1 to start but took 2 at tea time and they’ve worked a treat !!! How are you feeling Toni? X x x 

  • Hi Linz

    Glad you have your start date and can get your mindset ready for the treatment weeks. The lambs will help you get through, they are just so gorgeous and entertaining. I hope you won’t have to do too much of the work though!! 
    Have you got all your support aids ready? Glad to hear you are back on track..... I started my walking challenge on Monday, 31days of 10,000 steps a day, did first walk, went in the garden and tweaked my ankleRolling eyesRolling eyesRolling eyesRolling eyes Couldn’t believe it! Fortunately not too bad and I can walk still so farFingers crossedKeep your pecker up and enjoy the lambs..... Ruth x 

  • Ohh no I hope it’s not too bad Ruth . It’s great that your on with your challenge though !! Well we’ve decided that I’ll be doing absolutely nothing especially because the stoma is quite new so if I have the strength to feed a lamb or 2 then that will be a bonus . I feel so sorry for John he’s all the farm and the horses to do now aswell they will start staying out at night once it’s warm enough but he’s looking after the kids making all the meals he really is amazing . I’m really quite useless at the moment but with these new tablets maybe I’ll be able to start doing a little bit again ! Im hoping there will be that one little lamb in need of a human mother give me something to think about ... John is hoping not Because we will end up with another pet sheep

    who mugs old ladies Joy  X x x picture of Dot who mugs old ladies for their shopping bags !!!! 

  • Dot looks very Grand! I’d better not visit with a bag..... I feel very old some daysWink Let’s hope the lambs are all healthy and their mums strong and independent! 
    How are you coping with the LV bag? 

  • JoyJoy Louie is behaving beautifully!! I’m just hoping the co-codamol doesn’t upset things !!! To be fair dot doesn’t really care who she mugs ! We have a goat Maggie who mugged one of my children for his ice cream she stood on his foot and tripped him up .. once he hit the deck still holding onto his ice cream she ate it Joy These are all my pets .. no wonder they drive John mad !!! X x x 

  • I love goats!! I used to work part of my week at a land-based FE College and the Llama, Pablo, attacked one of the lecturers- fancied himJoy. He was castrated for his sinsWinkWink Sadly still naughty and had to go.... the Llama not the lecturer....xx