Cancer & me - 35 year on - Community News Blog series

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  • 40 subscribers

Hi there, 

I hope you don't mind me posting here today, my name is Rachel and I work as part of the Community team here at Macmillan. 

I just wanted to share with you all a recent Community News blog series which has been written Willo, who is know on the Community as , about her experience of being diagnosed with Anal cancer while living in Zambia in 1986. 

Willo shares her experiences of diagnosis, treatment, and everything in between as well as some of her amazing art work in the series. 

Vol 7 - 'The recovery' was posted yesterday on the Community News Blog, but you can click here to read Vol 1 - 'To begin at the beginning'

Kindest regards, 

Macmillan's Community team 

  • Hi Rachel hope you’re well… Wow thanks for this, I’ll definitely have a read of the blog , it’ll make for interesting reading I’m sure, thanks again for the post . 


  • Hi 

    Thanks for your message, you're more than welcome. We're really thankful to Willo for sharing her experiences and art work with us, as we know how important peer support is on the Community. 

    Best wishes, 

    Macmillan's Community team 

  • Hi Rachel, this is a very interesting read and gives hope to us all, thank you. Bev. 

  • Hi Rachel,

    I've been reading Willo's story, and I'm amazed and in awe of her strength and outlook after going through so much. Her art and love of life are inspiring--I hope she is happy and healthy, living her best life! 

  • Thank you, I am reasonably well, though the radiotherapy, burns and surgery to my nether regions have had a long-term affect, particularly on my bladder over the past two years. However, the only thing to have stopped me dancing is the Covid crisis!

  • Hi glad to hear you're still dancing! Your blog really is inspirational. The trouble is with this sort of cancer is that it is so rare we don't have anyone to talk to who have gone through the same experiences. It's so uplifting to see how you've dealt with what has been a truly horrendous experience for you and for you to have come out the other side with such a positive attitude despite all that's happened. Thank you for sharing these experiences. Bev  

  • I suppose I have tried not to feel sorry for myself - and one doesn't have to look far to see someone who is going through something far worse. When I was going through the treatment for my secondaries, a friend gave me a book by Penny Brohn (co-founder of the Bristol cancer Help Centre) " The Bristol Programme" and it advocates the holistic approach to treatments. It made good sense to me and made me feel like I was actually doing something to help myself, instead of being entirely in the hands of the medical profession. The book is long out of print, but you can pick it up for a few pence on the internet (+ postage). I often buy it and send to people newly diagnosed. I am sure there are also lots of new books on the market with more up to date information. I do believe the mind is a very powerful tool.

  • Hi I have tried to boost my immunity via diet, supplements, exercise and trying to minimise stress. It can't harm to look after your body and mind as much as possible. My A/C was caused by HPV 16, for some unknown reason some people's bodies don't deal with the HPV virus the way most people's do. I believe it's very important to ensure my immune system is functioning as well as possible to hopefully ensure there are no reoccurring problems with this virus.  By the way, your artwork is very good! Bev 

  • Hello again Bev, I suspect my original tumour was also caused by the HPV virus, especially as I went on to develop another primary tumour in the cervix. I see you were due another checkup in November 2020 and hope all was well?

  • Hi   I too had pre-cancerous cells on my cervix 30 years before my A/C diagnosis. The understanding of HPV was limited back then but I was told I had HPV. I am so relieved that there is now a vaccination for young men and women against the forms of HPV most likely to trigger a malignancy in later life. My check up in November was fine, thanks for asking. The next one is due next month, I'm on 3 monthly checks at the moment.  I still get anxious  before each check up but I know that's this is normal. I'm sorry to hear you have some ongoing problems. It would be nice if everything could go back to 'normal' after treatment wouldn't it.  I have urgency to go in a morning, diarrhoea happens sometimes, and I have pain in my hip joints on/off. Also, I have itching and soreness at times and vaginal stenosis but all in all seem to have recovered pretty well. Bev.