Recently diagnosed Anal cancer

  • 22 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi all .. I’m new here,hope you are all doing ok.

Im a 51 year old woman and i am about to start my Radiotherapy and Chemo 13th October for T2 stage anal cancer.Been racing around trying to get everything and everyone organised,adrenaline has taken over I think! .. Today I’m just taking some me time and the nerves are really starting to kick in about the unknown..I feel positive sometimes even to positive or am I just being naive? 
I wondered if anyone was going through a similar thing?
many thanks in advance!

  • Hi 

    Welcome to the online community although I’m sorry you find yourself here. Yes I was very much the same before starting treatment I kept myself busy organising things for the time I was having my treatment as I’d read others accounts of the treatment & fatigue seemed to be a common thread therefore I wanted things to be as organised as possible so that if I needed to rest I could do just that. You’ll find that once treatment starts & you’re attending your daily appointments the time passes pretty quickly. It’s good to stay busy & it’s also totally natural to feel nervous of the unknown. If it’s any comfort I was also really nervous before treatment, I think it’s totally natural, but it wasn’t half as bad as I anticipated & recovery afterwards was surprisingly quick.… There’s been a couple of members on the group recently diagnosed that I think are due to start treatment soon, it’s good if you can buddy up with someone around the same stage of treatment as yourself as although we all react a little differently it’s great to have someone to bounce off that knows exactly how you’re feeling, having said that most of us here have been through the chemoradiotherapy so we’re always here for advice & support. This treatment is very effective, I’m just over 2 years out of treatment & still NED thankfully. If you’d like to read a little about my journey just click on my username & it’ll take you to my profile. 

    Good luck for the 13th. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi there, I start my chemo and radiotherapy on 12th October so we're treatment buddies :-) like you I'm very positive as I think that helps me. I do know a lot about what's ahead however as my younger sister was treated for anal cancer 5 years ago and she shared every thing with us. I'm also aware that everyone is an individual and we all react differently. Where are you being treated? I'm up in North Wales.

  • Hi Nicola,Thankyou so much for your reply .. Yes!! I think thats it,im still keeping busy and cleaning everything in sight.Everyone is differant with how treatment effects them i guess and Oncologist has t tell you the worst .. Having visions of burns,blisters,accidents!!,and feeling completely exhausted,but who knows and just have to deal with each day as it comes.

    I read your profile and so very happy for you!! .. You must feel so relieved!!

  • Hi Oscar!! .. Thankyou for your reply and its good to know i have a treatment buddy!! :0)

    That must be a great help to you knowing someone especially so close to you.that has already walked the road and i hope all is well for her.

    Im in East Sussex and will be treated in Kent .. Two hours there and back

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby1969

    How are you doing?? 

  • Hi Housie .. Not to bad Thankyou I’m 2 weeks into treatment,other than very itchy butt and starting to get very sore oh and tiredness kicking in.

    Just treated myself to a portable bidet which right now looks like my idea of heaven at the moment! 

  • Hi Oscar,how are you getting on? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby1969

    I’m sure your long trip isn’t  helping. Glad you’re doing ok. Fingers crossed For you Ruby, I’m really not looking forward to the sore bum bitWeary bad enough at the moment!  Rolling eyes

  • Hi ,

    It’s good to hear you’re almost halfway through your treatment, keep checking off those sessions on your schedule White check mark It’ll soon be over. 

    The itchy, sore butt I remember it well!! Are you being provided with plenty of creams? The itch I managed with piriton antihistamines, sometimes it felt as though I’d sat on an ants nest!!  have you tried salt baths too? It was where I was at my most comfortable sometimes during & the couple of weeks after treatment, you could add some salt to the bidet when it arrives & sit on that for a while if you didn’t want a full on bath, I often used the westlab Dead Sea salts as they’re good for soothing irritated skin… go with the flow where the fatigue is concerned also I couldn’t get through the  day without a nana nap, usually had a cuppa & a nap when I got home from hospital each day & I still slept like a log at nighttime too! 

    Good luck for the rest of your treatment, keep us updated on how you’re getting on.


  • Morning Nikki,they have told me not to use any creams other than Aqueous cream to wash with during treatment. I’m taking a Piriton daily,helps a little but still drove me nuts at night time.

    Going to try salt water dunk today x