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Been quiet lately as not been well.  Had my MRI and then my 6 months follow up yesterday and there are no signs of the anal cancer (the good news) but I had an ultrasound in February (unrelated reason) which showed a lesion on my liver and my oncologist told me that the MRI (which they had asked to extend to the liver) showed 4 small lesions.  She said the MDT were surprised and confused as my anal cancer was T2NOMO and my CT scan back in May last year did not show anything anywhere else and since then I have had radiotherapy and chemotherapy which ended late September.  Yet in early March when I had the MRI these had appeared.  Not sure what to think.  Now waiting another CT and biopsy under local anaesthetic (as to have general = "operation" which causes problems because of the coronavirus outbreak directives.  Apparently it is possible that this is a totally unrelated different type of cancer and I am just unlucky.  Has any one had or know someone who has had a similar experience.  Feeling down today x


  • Hi ,

    Although I’m not aware of anyone in your exact situation I felt I had to reply to tell you how sorry I am that you’re going through this right now! It just doesn’t seem fair does it? I hope your CT & biopsy gets done ASAP & you get some definitive answers really soon. As we all know the wait for tests/results  etc., is really hard & the current situation we find ourselves in doesn’t make things any easier does it? We’re always here for you. 


  • Hi, sorry to hear this news. I can’t think of anyone who has recently posted in the same situation but I do recall someone posting not sure if it was on this group or in another forum , possibly cancer research, about his mother who had liver cancer. It was successfully cut out and 10 years on she was alive and well. If the lesions are cancerous then it’s been caught early and we all know that this massively heightens the chances of successful treatment. Please let us know how your biopsy goes xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Dear Deb,

    Sorry to hear that, I expect it’s particularly hard needing more hospital visits in the middle of this Covid thing.

    Hoping for a good outcome for you,


  • Hi Nicola

    Thank you.  Had a look through the forums only found one similar post in the incurable forum but do not have access to that to see full trail of posts and not sure if I am honest that I want to.

    The hospital aren't waiting around as I had a telephone call yesterday and go in for biopsy under local on Wednesday (not looking forward to that as I am a bit of a wuss would rather sleep my way through it!).  MDT is scheduled for 14th April and my appointment the next day (coronavirus willing).  My hospital is being cleared to be a "centre" for the area depending on what happens may be cancelled/postponed or may be transferred to a "clean" hospital.  All v confusing and a bit unnerving if I am honest but having felt v sorry for myself since I found out I have decided to focus on the fact that the anal cancer is still NED so just have to concentrate of the new one - best case would be if it was linked to the anal cancer rather than totally new and separate cancer so fingers crossed.


    Carpe Diem
  • Thank you.  I will.  I had hoped that the lesions would just be lesions but the consultant was quite sure that they were cancerous and the MDT look at scans all the time so working on prepare for the worst hope for the best.  On the plus side my last body scan was about 10 months ago and nothing there then so found early - I am working on being more optimistic but being on lock down doesn't help as there is a lot of time to fill and to brood.

    Deb1E x

    Carpe Diem
  • Hi again ,

    Yes I agree, don’t go looking into anything until you’ve had your biopsy results & you know what you’re dealing with, you’ll probably end up just completely freaking yourself out. 

    Completely different scenario I know but I have a friend with Malignant Melanoma, after the initial 2 surgeries on her legs she was found with a lesion on her liver which was dealt with very quickly & surgically removed & recovery from the surgery was very quick. 

    It’s just an added worry with all the changes going on with our hospitals due to Covid-19 but it sounds as though plans are in place for if you can’t use your usual hospital.

    I’ve got everything crossed for you for Wednesday & again for 15th, I’ll be thinking of you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Deb, sorry to hear about this. 

    It's the last thing you want after being through the treatment and believing it was all behind you. 

    I an waiting for an APR op now and can totally relate to your frustration.  COVID-19 has really knocked everything for 6. The last think I wanted was to extend the waiting time knowing I still have active cancer there. 

    At least you have a date now.  That's great. 

    Let us know the out come of the biopsies.

    Wishing you well

    Ian x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Deb, well this was the last thing you or anyone else wanted to see isn't it.

    I totally relate to you ref waiting lists as I'm waiting for my APR to be done atm.

    At least you have a date now I guess.

    Ref what's unusual with tumors; I have a Facebook freind from Norway.  She had a 2cm tumor that was flat like coin.  3 months post treatment her tumor is now 5cm. She is having an emergency APR next week.

    Hopefully they are wrong about yours but if not, with livers, they just remove the offending articles with surgery don't they. So you should be completely clear at the end. Fingers crossed the virus doesn't cause too many delays for your treatment and recovery. 

    Ian x

  • Hi Ian

    I hope you get a date for your APR soon - the waiting/not knowing is the worst and Covid-19 just adds another dimension to the whole thing,

    Yes I am fortunate to have a date and my biopsy should be on Wednesday but my letter does say it may be cancelled even on the day - have been sent antimicrobial skin cleanser to use in shower for day of biopsy and 2 days before. Not sure if that is usual or because the hospital has been designated a coronavirus centre.  Also strict rules now as to who can enter so my husband will only be able to drop me off at the entrance and pick me up later.  

    The consultant said she wanted to tell me my results face to face so didn't change my appointment even though clinics have been converted to telephone appointments only.  I should have guessed something was wrong as the waiting room was empty - never seen that before.

    I did ask about surgery as I thought they could just cut it out but she said chemo was more likely as the lesions are spread out.

    As my father says "yesterday is history, today is a gift and tomorrow a mystery" so will wait and see.

    Let me know when you get your date. 

    Deb1E x

    Carpe Diem
  • Hi All

    Another step on the way - had my CT scan and liver biopsies (x3) yesterday feeling like I have been kicked by mule in my side but thankful it has all been done. 

    Hugely grateful to the staff who managed to push my CT scan in as well to make sure it happened despite all the restrictions imposed on the hospital.  Results on 15th April.

    Was a bit concerned cancer treatment might be deferred and/or suspended as I had seen a couple of newspaper articles where people have had ops etc cancelled but I was told that they are hoping to keep the oncology department working as usual but it all depends on Gov directives and how the coronavirus pandemic progresses.  So fingers crossed.

    Hope everyone is staying in and staying safe


    Carpe Diem