Do I really want to know?

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  • 36 subscribers

i know forewarned is forearmed but I remember before I had both my kids people saying don’t watch childbirth videos - far too scary - and everyone’s experience will be different ! 

I read a blog called a bum deal last week and swear I’ve had more pain since and I’ve not even started treatment !

so very mixed feelings about becoming enlightened in this group .... 

Im finding exercise is helping me stay positive and meditation  - mind over matter ! 

So making the most of the next few weeks ..... 

  • FormerMember


    Welcome to the group, although I’m sorry you find yourself here.

    Only you will know how much information is enough information. Yes, it is a little like child-birth (sorry men!) in that you can prep and prep and prep but, until it happens, you won’t know how your body will react or how you will respond.

    This forum is fantastic, there is a lot of useful information on here told in a very frank and honest way. For some people this will be re-assuring and comforting for others, it will be confusing and will set the mind spiralling further.

    I didn’t really use this forum whilst I was going through treatment. I did however, use it to connect with someone who was starting treatment at the same time as me. We swapped mobile no’s and texted each other pretty much every day throughout treatment.  I also joined the Anal Cancer Foundations peer support programme and was paired with a woman who was an eight year survivor. She would check in on me and only give me information when I asked for it. 

    The only literature I read was the Macmillan anal cancer guide which is a very factual, straight-forward guide to the disease, treatment and side effects.

    It was only after treatment ended that I used this forum more. I am now almost a year post-treatment, in remission YAY!!! and am now using my experience to help other anal cancer patients. 

    In the lead up to treatment, again bit like getting ready for birth, get yourself organised at home, do things that you enjoy and rest as much as you can. Yoga and mediation are fantastic to help keep the mind calm, I practise every week and couldn’t live without it.

    If you would like the booklet or more information about the Anal Cancer Foundation let me know and I’ll share with you.

    We are all here for you when you need us.

    All the best.

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Sarah - I’ve also been in contact with ACF - and will look out for others starting same time as me when I go for my group chemo appt - in interim if anyone reads this I’m due to start treatment 12 June ! 

    So far only ordered waterproof mattress cover ! 

    Jill x