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Got my first smear tomorrow the last one was 3 years ago just before treatment started Frowning2

Don’t know what this will be like and even if our cells are ok after all the radiotherapy ?? I read somewhere it’s a waste of time ?? 

Guess I’ll let you know tomorrow!! 

Amanda x

  • Hi Amanda,

    Like you I had a smear test before treatment, well actually before my surgery prior to treatment, I also have a coil which I was quite surprised they left in situ during treatment but apparently there’s no metal in my particular coil therefore it could stay put! 

    My coil is due to be removed next year & my dread about this & further smears is the stenosis from the treatment & if the speculum is going to hurt! 

    I know it’s going to be different for us all as we differ in varying degrees in our physical state etc., post treatment but I’d be really interested to know how you get on tomorrow. My Dr’s have said if removal of my coil is unsuccessful the normal way then they’ll just do it under anaesthetic. 

    Good luck tomorrow 

    Nicola x

  • FormerMember


    Like Nikki, this really interests me, especially as I was looking through my medical records the other day to see when my next smear is due - Sept 2019 eek!

    I didn’t have a smear before treatment started, it was never mentioned actually. I did mention I had a coil and was advised to get it removed before treatment started. On inspection however, it transpired that the strings couldn’t be found and the only way to remove it was surgically. There wasn’t enough time to get that done, so I just left it. I’m not sure what state its in now, maybe frazzled?

    There’s not much information about smears after pelvic radiotherapy. I too am concerned about the actual procedure due to my vaginal stenosis (I still haven’t managed sex!) and whether, the smear would produce an accurate result. I might email the anal cancer surgeon on here, see what he says about it. 

    Due to the location of my tumour, I have to have regular vaginal checks. The first time I was told I’d need this I panicked as I new I’d narrowed however, my oncologist explained there are different sized spectrums. He used a small one on me and it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. 

    Hopefully, when you explain your situation to your GP/nurse, they will have the right equipment if need be. 

    Good luck, don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with and please report back. 

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

      the subject of smears after pelvic radiotherapy has arisen and as there’s not much information about this, we are hoping you can advise.

    Should smears be physically possible after treatment?

    If vaginal stenosis prevents this, are there any other options?

    When communicating with a GP/nurse who doesn’t know our history, what would your advise be?

    For those of us with a coil fitted, how will it have been affected by the radiotherapy?

    What is the likely result of a smear test after radiotherapy, will it produce an accurate result?

    Any advise appreciated.

    Many thanks.

  • Hello ladies I remember the surgeon after delivering the bad news kept saying I must have a smear straight away so I went to the surgery and told them. The nurse said I was a year early but because of the situation she would do it and record the reasons. Maybe it was something to do with hpv I’m going to ask the nurse tomorrow if I was positive no one ever told me if I was or not? 

    I’ll let you know how I get on hopefully she has a range of sizes!! I’ll see what she knows

    Amanda xx

  • I haven't started my treatment yet but I too was told to book in for smear asap by my surgeon. I got it done two weeks ago just before my pet scan. The nurse wasn't going to give me it as I'd had one last July but after she read my notes she did do it. She told me the results would be posted out to me - can't remember if that's what normally happens?

    Anyway good luck for tomorrow,hope it's not too sore!

    Claire Xx

  • Hi. I was sent for a colposcopy after initial diagnosis (Feb 2011 – anal canal tumour) to check for cervical cancer as the same HPV variant causes both anal & cervical cancer. I have had 2 or 3 smears since. The 1st one about 4 years ago. All clear. One about a year ago that didn’t work so I had to have another which was all clear. It is v painful at the edge of the vagina as that is where the skin was badly burnt and that is where the stenosis is most acute. But ask them to use lots of gel. It's doable. I've never been told to not have one. I use creams after but it stings for a few days. Esp when I wee. Sx

  • Hi SarahCM,

    I had received a reminder for a smear test just before my diagnosis & in the interim was told I had this cancer! I saw my surgeon & one of his questions was ‘was I up to date with my smears?’ When I told him I’d just received a reminder he suggested I get it done prior to my surgery. I did this & thankfully it was clear. I was aware about the HPV connection although I’ve never been told if my cancer was HPV driven or not! I wonder if this would have been apparent on the smear? I was also advised that both my coil removal & smears could be performed under GA if it was too distressing the usual way, although if I can avoid that I’d like to! It’s good to hear that you’ve managed more than once without having to have a GA, gives me a little more hope.

    Thanks for your advice


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

     I’m beginning to wish I’d had a smear before treatment started! they never suggested it though, just asked if I’d had regular smears and if there had ever been any abnormalities - I had and there hadn’t.

    God its never ending isn’t it!

  • Hi Sarah,

    Yes I’ve said before that I’m so grateful to be disease free but I remember you saying a while ago about radiotherapy being the gift that keeps on giving & you weren’t wrong!!

    I'm dreading the thought of getting this coil removed, I asked my oncologist before treatment started should I get it removed & he just said ‘no it’s got no metal in so it’ll be fine, it can stay in’ I wish I’d just gone ahead & had it removed now!! 

    Nicola x

  • Hi

    i was told to get my coil out pre treatment and not to have any smears post treatment as radiation gives false reading.  Going forward just to keep eye on signs of vaginal bleeding etc

    cathy xx