Day 4 post treatment

  • 6 replies
  • 37 subscribers

OMG my burns are really taking hold now! I have them all over the tops of my legs, round to my buttocks, inside and out. They vary in colour from pink to red to brown and black! I have open wounds some 10cm long here there any everywhere. Skin falling off. Sitz bathing with salt as much as I can. 

I was wondering whether (If I'm lucky enough to survive this disease!) Whether there are any permanent marks after healing and I am worried whether these would show in a swimsuit. My husband suggested I got one with a skirt! Whaaaaaa? I'm only 47. I had a quick look online and have put an order in - see above - I think it's ideal! 

  • Definitely! I don’t know you, but know it would suit you. Love it. Please order one for me.

    Those burns, jeez. I had just the same, had to go into hospital as I couldn’t go to the toilet. I swear it was worse pain than childbirth. They were going to catheterise me until the Oncologist told them there was no way they could do that to the raw flesh inside. I saw the skin specialist who gave me all types of cream. Mesh, morphine ointment etc. I had to wee into my portable bidet full of warm water. 

    Yes, you will heal, I have no scars externally, in fact the oncologist said I had a beautiful bottom (I didn’t hold it against her!) Your new skin will be like a a baby’s bottom.Unfortunately, you will not need that swimsuit with a skirt, but there is nothing stopping you buying one anyway! 

    Keep smiling! Even through gritted teeth. It will get better. Hope you are going commando, just lie on the bed & expose yourself. You won’t get arrested. 

    Love Pam xx

    Lady Tourelle

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hopefulat46

    I too had extensive burn marks that I was worried would show in a swimsuit - I love the beach and swimming in the sea, so I got some shorts style swimsuits (commonly used by competitive swimmers/triathletes!) example attached and covers all the necessary areas.  Within a couple of years friends and my husband were telling me that they'd faded enough to go back to normal swimsuit/bikini.

    hope that helps


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lady Tourelle

    Hahaha I'm becoming hysterical!! I hope to goodness I don't end up in hospital. Did you have to stay in and what happened? 

    Fortunately or unfortunately I've never had kids so don't know what childbirth feels like. What I do know is that on top of all this, I'm now being rammed through the menopause with hot flushes all the time!!! 

    I must've been very bad in a past life! 

    Looking forward to my beautiful new baby bottom. Wish these could be ordered online too. 


  • FormerMember

    That picture is terrifying! hee hee

    I had severe burns although I didn’t know they were severe until my oncologist told me at my 6 week post treatment check-up. Although they looked severe, the pain, thank God wasn’t wasn’t severe. Like you, I lost skin back to front and from the insides of the tops of my thighs, they were the worse. Post treatment it took a good 8 weeks before the skin was intact again.

    Scarring depends on how many layers of skin you’ve lost. I’m 10 months post treatment and my skin is quite badly scared. It looks mottled, with red/brown patches. My oncologist tells me it’ll fade over time. I swim regularly and no-one would see my scars unless I lay down and spread my legs which I don’t make a habit of doing in a public places! 

    I’ve sunbathed on a beach as well and the scars really don’t bother me. My husband says he wouldn’t see them unless he was really looking and on the whole, I don’t think people stare too much at that area of the body.

    You’ll need to keep you damaged skin out of the sun for a good few months after treatment. 

    I’m 48 and to begin with I wore a lovely Next tankini with shorts, which luckily are quite trendy now. These days though I just wear my usual cossie.

    All the best for the coming days.

    Sarah x

  • Ouch!!!… I really do feel for you but must admit I had a proper belly laugh at both your post & the swimsuit pic. 

    I was quite lucky, because my tumour was removed surgically & my chemo-radiotherapy was mop up treatment it was very targeted therefore my burns didn’t spread to my thighs, they were everywhere else though, internal & external & in the days after treatment I wondered if anything ‘down there’ would ever feel or look anything near normal ever again  & I woke up every morning dreading going to the loo! I’ve had a look & now everything looks pretty much as it did before & the plethora of people that have seen my nether regions since all comment that the skin looks good! My surgical/treatment site it still quite sensitive though & almost feels bruised sometimes.

    I think a swimsuit with a skirt is quite acceptable, whatever you’re comfortable with, although maybe not the one above or as Sarah says a tankini with shorts? & I’d maybe give the mask & water wings a swerve!  

    Nicola x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Hi Nicola. If I wore a costume like that I'd definitely need the mask to disguise my identity!! Xx