Treatment DONE!!

  • 12 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi everyone! BellBell

I've done it! Finished my treatment this morning and rang that bell! Everyone was so lovely, even booking in at reception they acknowledged it was my last one and wished me well. Everyone clapped in the cafe and one lady patted me on the back and observers said 'well done!' It was quite emotional. My husband took photos and we celebrated with a breakfast bap!! (Not healthy I know!!)

Everything considered I feel very well. Yes, I am burnt from the tops of my thighs to my buttocks and everything inbetween but hoping this will cure me of cancer. No pain no gain and I feel privileged to live in the UK and be in a position to have the treatment and for free. 

I think I have had a much easier ride than most, although the pain is to peak in 2 weeks - maybe I'll need to review that. It has to be said my tumour pain pre-diagnosis was horrendous and my current burns are not as painful as the excrutiating pain I experienced pre-diagnosis. I recall my doctor refusing to prescribe stronger pain killers for my 'haemorroids' - I think I need to be more insistent next time and listen to my body. I feel I now know my pain threshold is high and when it hurts it really does hurt and they need to take me seriously- I am not soft! more chemo, no more hospital trips for 6 weeks (hopefully) time to peak, heal and get back on my bicycle asap! Bicyclist


  • Congratulations!!! Best feeling in the world apart from the all clear which will follow!!! Fingers crossed

    i wouldn’t stop ringing the bell!!!! My husband was  pulling me away!!!! 

    Keep strong and keep fighting. 

    Lorna xxx

  • Congratulations! What a great feeling. And good for you, feeling so well. I hope it continues to go well for you. We all have different reactions to the treatment, some worse than others, hopefully you are one of the lucky ones. I hope you are soon back on that bike, although I  couldn’t have imagined anything worse for some time after the treatment! Listen to your body, you will need a lot of rest to allow the healing. Don‘t rush things. Try and enjoy taking things easy. 

    Very best wishes,


    Lady Tourelle

  • Awww congratulations to you!!!

    Isn't it a fabulous feeling? It doesn’t matter how ropey you may be feeling by the end of it all it’s such a relief to be done & to get to ring that bell. You’re not on your own with the wave of emotion you felt as I was exactly the same, my dad & my youngest daughter accompanied me on my last appointment & I could have cried when the applause went up when I rang that bell.

    You’re well prepared for the next couple of weeks, mine peaked around day 11 post treatment, & as you’ve mentioned you suffered excruciating pain pre-treatment so I’m in no doubt you’ll manage this the way you’ve managed your treatment, just do what you need to do to get you through & keep looking forward to beginning your recovery. 

    Once again a huge well done on completing this part of your journey, sending you lots of healing thoughts.

    Nicola x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Hi Nicola

    I'm well prepared through this site and all you 'regulars' out there!! 

    I feel like a real expert, having been given all your knowledge. 

    Thank you everyone and thank you McMillan for the site and everything you do

    Bizarrely, very recently I did a fund raising event for the very cancer centre I have just attended and in the last 10 years I've done 3 Triathalons 2 of which were for cancer charities including McMillan. Never in a million years did I dream at the age of 46 I'd be needing their services!


  • Hi, Fantastic news!

    No more hospital visits for a while, you can stay home,  relax and your skin will heal quickly. 

    Its great to be so positive!! “Keep it up”

    Very best wishes

    Crystal X X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lady Tourelle

    Hi Pam

    I told my consultant I aimed to cycle to my next appt in 6 weeks. He looked a little horrified. I think this feeling  might just be the adrenalin pumping around! I promise to be good 'ish' x 

  • FormerMember

    Didn't see your post yesterday.  But so pleased that you have now joined the "been through the treatment" club!  Long may your membership continue.  As for pain threshold - forget it.  You won't have to worry about it for quite some time now and an hopefully for the foreseeable future.  Pain after biopsies, during and after treatment?  They pale into insignificance once you have the good news that you are through the other side and hopeful, and all clear for the future!  Congratulations and love  Mxx

  • FormerMember

    Congratulations Pam! and well done you’re through to the other side.

    As others have said we all react differently so whilst your symptoms will peak, you’ve really no idea how you'll be affected until it happens. My symptoms peaked pretty much straight after treatment finished, I stayed in bed for a week. Pain wasn’t bad but the fatigue completely floored me. No more daily trips to hospital, yay! you can just rest and heal in the comfort of your own home.

    As I’m sure you’ve already been told the radiotherapy causes a lot of internal inflammation so scans don’t usually happen until about 3 months after treatment when its settled a bit. It seems a long time to wait but it’ll fly by and in the meantime you can just focus on lots of self care.

    If you can cycle to your appointment in 6 weeks I’ll take my hat off to you. I don’t think I could sit on a bike even now, 10 months on!

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ha! I'm already doubting my cycle ride to my 6 week appointment! The burns have really taken a turn for the worst in the last 48 hours and I have internal pain too. I'm also missing my radiotherapy team - something I never thought of happening. I realise now that they aren't there how reassuring the daily blasts were! I've now to assess and make decisions myself! Xxx

  • Hi, 

    I know what you mean about missing the daily support of the radiotherapy team, you had that reassurance, advice & support on a daily basis & then you’re home, things kick off with the burns & nothing! it’s a kind of feeling of abandonment isn’t it? 

    I got through treatment quite well but everything began worsening on my last day & that was pretty much me for the next 11 days. I just went from bed to bath to sofa back to bath then bed again until things began settled down again but rest assured once things peak you’ll be really surprised how quickly things begin healing. Did the radiotherapy team give you any cream to use now you’re finished? I was given flamazine which contains silver therefore can’t be used during treatment but is supposedly great for burns although I had to dilute it while my burns were peaking with some aqueous cream as it was a little stingy! Just try & get plenty of rest & remember it’ll all start feeling much better very soon.

    Nicola x