Week 3 Done!

  • 7 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hello again! Another milestone and over half way through. Feeling ok still, not taking any painkillers although Consultant prescribed morphine after examining me on Tuesday. I know from you guys this is gonna get much worse so I'm pacing myself. Taking all your advice, I'm drinking cranberry juice everyday, taking salted sitz baths as much as possible and telling myself it DOES NOT hurt!! Thinking

Chemo seems well tolerated at the moment. I've taken 2 anti sickness pills everyday and never felt sick, energy levels good and hoping my head hair does not fall put. (I believe this unlikely but it can happen sometimes) 

I ordered some 'specialised underwear' yesterday and have floaty dressed at the ready as I enter into week 4.

My 'cycle' is sll over the place, a very wobbly one - really hoping I dont need a third blood transfusion next week. Keeping positive and trying to lead as normal a life as possible. 


  • Well done and good to hear you are over half way.   Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by!

    Do you have a bell to ring at the end of treatment?  Most hospitals do, its something to look towards, daft as that may seen!

    Keep us posted.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Yorkshire OAP

    Yes, there is a bell and every time I think about ringing it I fill up! X 

  • It’s a wonderful feeling ringing that bell let me tell you! 

    I cried each time I saw other people doing it - mixed emotions - happy for them but so wanted it to be my turn!

    ever greedy when it was my turn it wasn’t a gentle ding a ling I nearly rang it off the wall - oh the relief!! 

    Your turn is ever nearer xx

  • FormerMember

    week 3 already! well done, it sounds like you doing really well and not experiencing too many side effects at the moment. I’m pleased for you.

    Sarah x

  • Over half way, excellent & with few side effects from treatment is an added bonus, well done you.

    I too tolerated the chemo well, hair went a bit thinner but nothing that anyone else would notice, I began to get close to the end of the anti-sickness pills I was given & asked if I could be prescribed more, which wasn’t a problem, but my oncologist said if I’d had no nausea it was unlikely I’d need them. I collected another pack but thought I’d try without & low & behold he was right I felt fine without them so didn’t take them anymore.

    You sound very well prepared for all eventualities that may/may not occur over the next few weeks so good luck with the rest of your treatment & you’ll be done before you know it.… Oh & ring the hell outta that bell when it’s your turn, I certainly did!!

    Nicola x 

  • FormerMember

    I am so pleased you are half way and coping so well . You are one strong lady Blush I am starting treatment tomorrow and am very nervous. 

    Best of luck this week xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hey Am MCD!

    Thanks for your message. You will be absolutely fine tomorrow, it is daunting but the staff are really good and help you through. I'm guessing you have chemo and radio starting tomorrow? X