Bleeding a little and breathless.

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I was wondering if anyone else had any bleeding post treatment. I am 8 months and all has been good and checks have been clear. Last week I noticed I was a little breathless, put  it down to gardening too much and a water infection I had picked up. I have had twinges in that area but this am when I went to the loo there was a little blood. You instantly go into panic mode! I have an apt at the end of April but don’t want to wait till then. My mind is racing, could it have come back in 3 months since my scans? It really is a roller coaster! 


  • It may be a water infection and they can make you feel rough.  Go to your gp put your mind at rest - I would

    hope you get sorted soon 

    Cathy x

  • Thanks Cathy, 

    I phoned Kim to be on the safe side, she said bleeding is normal and go to the gp about breathing. The joke is nothing until the 17th April! It’s my first phone call to Kim, it’s good to have that piece of mind. X

  • Hi Crystal,

    I'm coming up to 10 months post treatment & up until recently I’ve had the odd bit of bleeding when going to the loo, when I spoke to my oncologist in December he said not to worry the DRE appeared normal & it was most likely a fissure which are quite common after our kind of treatment & the new skin forming internally. Hopefully this will be the case with you also. With my history my GP usually sees me more or less straight away that’s a bit rubbish if you can’t be seen for another 2 weeks!! Hope you manage to get to see someone soon.

    Nicola x

  • Thanks Nicola, that’s exactly what my Macmillan nurse said, she also told me she gets lots of phone calls about exactly the same. I have to ring the doctors at 8 am tomorrow to get a emergency apt, I asked if I could have a blood test to check if i’m Anemic but I was told I had to see a doctor first! The fact i’ve had cancer didn’t carry any clout! Shocking really, but then they did miss it the first time so I know what i’m dealing with. 

    Crystal X X

  • It’s appalling isn’t it? how it’s all over the media about early diagnosis etc., & these things are still going misdiagnosed for so long! I was incredibly lucky the GP that examined me the first time I went suspecting I probably had piles called in a another GP for a second opinion there & then & I was immediately put on the 2 week pathway, because of this I was diagnosed very early T1N0M0 & have had successful surgery removing the tumour & a reduced course of chemo-radiotherapy as mop up treatment! Following a cancer diagnosis surely there should be something that can flag up on your GP records that gives you priority for anything that could be connected to your diagnosis or is this just me being very naive? Hope you get sorted very soon. 

    Nicola x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Crystal,

    I had my third, 3 month check up today. It was clear thankfully. 

    I to have experienced some bleeding. Mainly streaks/spots on paper after wiping and usually on a day when I’ve had a lot of bowel movements. I generally go 1/2 times a day but I have days when it can be several times. I mentioned it to my surgeon today. He wasn’t concerned saying that the radiation causes a lot of damage to the skin internally/externally and it can take a long time to heal. He said in some cases the skin never returns to how it was and is prone to splitting, cracking, fissures etc. He said he would be more concerned if I had persistent bleeding or lots of bright red blood after a bowel movement. 

    I also have little twinges every now and again, just for a second or so on the left side where my tumour was. Remission is challenging, even when there is no cancer present, we will worry about every new sensation, twinge etc. 

    Your breathlessness is probably not related but you’re doing the right thing to get it checked out if only for peace of mind.

    Let us know how you get on.

    Sarah x

  • Thanks Nicola,

    Your GP is definitely on the ball! I’ve probably overdone it gardening!  You forget we are not like we used to be, I think I can still do it all.

    Take care

    Crystal x x

  • Hi Sarah,

    Great news for you today, it’s bloody nerve wracking every time. 

    I think the bleeding is something we will put up with now and again. I hadn’t bled b4 today so it was scary when I did, as for the twinges, my Macmillan nurse said it’s completly normal also as it’s nerve ending inside of us.

    I’ve clearly had one of those...  What If Panic days! It’s interesting to hear what your surgeon said, very reassuring.

    I’m so glad i’ve got you guys on here.

    Thanks for all your advice

    Crystal x x

  • FormerMember

    Telangiectasia is the name for the bleeding from new fragile blood vessels near the surface!  Five years plus post treatment I still suffer from occasional bleeding but have been assured that this is the cause.  Panicked when it happened in the first few months but now believe the specialists and accept it for what it is - a sign that my skin is just adapting to getting back to as normal as it ever can!  Worrying at first, but 5+ years on it is quite normal!  Best wishes Mxx.

  • Hi Happylady

    Thank you for more reassurance, it’s good to know i’m not  alone. Great to hear you are 5+ yrs.

    Take care 

    Crystal x x