Scar tissue?

  • 6 replies
  • 37 subscribers

I’ve just had my check up. I’m 9 months post treatment, and all has been far. I have seen a different doctor who gave me a thorough rectal examination & then looked through a kind of microscope, which hurt! He then told me that he has seen something and doesn’t know what it is. He suspects scar tissue, and want me to go in for another biopsy under general anaesthetic. 

As you can imagine, my mind is going overtime. This doctor was the one who found the cancer, but is not my Oncologist and it is the first time he has examined me post treatment. 

Has anybody else experienced this? I am sooooo scared! 

  • Hi.  I am nearly 8 years post treatment. Along with very many of us post treatment, I had scar tissue which had to be examined via biopsy under an EAU (examination under anaesthetic). It is very common.  Esp if you had a big tumour.  Mine showed up on my first MRI after 3 months and still showed up on my last MRI done in Jan 18.  So hope this helps.  If you search in this group for 'scar tissue' you will see lots of previous discussions on this.  Sx

  • Thanks Sarah. You have helped ease my mind. 

    I will check it out under the discussions.


    Lady Tourelle

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    I sympathise and can totally understand how anxious you will be feeling. We all fear the doctor discovering something at our appointments, I have my check-up tomorrow! However, I to have heard this is a common occurrence as the rad creates a lot of scar tissue which can change, as the rad continues to work in our bodies for up to a year.

    The next couple of weeks are going to be challenging. The procedure for the biopsy will be straight-forward but the psychological impact is hard because of course you will be worrying and the waiting is torturous. You will get through it all though because you’ve done it before and well frankly, we don’t have any choice do we.

    Just try to take some comfort in being oblivious and keep telling yourself its scar tissue, its scar tissue.

    Remember Macmillan have a 24 hour telephone line and you can call and you can also use ‘ask an expert’ to email the anal cancer surgeon directly.

    In the meantime, we are here, ready to listen and support.

    I’m sending positive thoughts out to the universe for you.

    Sarah x

  • Thanks Sarah. I think it’s our biggest nightmare post treatment isn’t it? I do hope your check up went well. 

    I got my news the day we were leaving for a couple of weeks in France in our Campervan. As you can imagine it has put a cloud over the holiday.  I am due to have my pre op the day after we get home next week and the biopsy the following week, so they are moving quickly. 

    My mind is spinning, & just the thought of the biopsy brings back all the memories of this time last year. 

    Thanks for your support, it really helps. 


    Lady Tourelle

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lady Tourelle

    Hi Pam,

    Thankfully my check-up was clear, God my anxiety was through the roof! I’ve now got a bladder issue so am being referred to a different consultant for that.

    I feel for you Pam, as I to would be worried, its totally understandable. It doesn’t seem to end dose it the worry, the anxiety and there’s no running away from it. We have to face it all.

    I’m crossing everything for you, that it is scar tissue. Its more likely to be scar tissue then anything else due to all that damage the rad has caused. Try to enjoy your holiday as much as you can, its going to keep creeping into your mind, keep telling yourself its scar tissue.

    LOL x

  • Thanks a lot. Trying very hard to keep positive! Oh, but how the mind wanders....

    Biopsy is on 17th. Will keep you posted. 

    Thanks for the support 

    Pam x

    Lady Tourelle