Scan Results

  • 23 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi  got my 3 month scan results today. I'm not clear lymph nodes have shrunk by millimetres and there's still a lump they don't know if its tumour or scar tissue. They are going to have a meeting probably another scan in 3 months. They talked about surgery and bags but I'd switched off by that point. Weirdly I feel OK just feel nothing Shrug. Xx

Update Oncologist just rang, being booked for a pet scan.

  • Hi  

    I really get where you are coming from in terms of switching off. I think it is how we cope with stress, it’s either that or fight and flight.

    I really hope they don’t leave you hanging around waiting for too long for further decisions about your possible next steps. I really hope the next steps are ones that you trust and you believe are the best ones for you.

    Take care of yourself.


  • Hi LCraig 

    I switch off when it's things I don't want to know. Oncologist has just rang and they are booking me for a pet scan. Hope all is OK with you. Xx

  • Hi Bungle,

    Please try to remember you are still in the best hands and they will do everything to get you through this.

    Some on here have had further treatment as the initial chemoradiation has not been totally effective, perhaps they will post and give you some more detail.

    We are all with you here, please remember that.



  • Oh Bungle,

    Absolutely what you don’t want to hear. I understand why you’ve switched off/ shut down.

     I feel for you and wish I could give you an actual rather than virtual hug right now. Xx

  • Thank you Mrs Vanilla. Xx

  • Thank you PEB24. Xx

  • Hi Bungle1 I’m so sorry to hear that your 3 month results were not clear as it’s such a blow to have a diagnosis go through the treatment which is difficult enough and then have that information at the 3 month stage. I know others on here (further down the line have said it may be still early days and the drs prefer the 6 month PET for the actual picture as the treatment continues to work) so it does seem unfair to get scan results so early..try to remember it’s early days, (easier said than done)

    im due my 3 month results v soon too and to be perfectly honest I don’t want to know as i think psychologically it’s so hard to hear that it’s could be tumour but it could also be scar tissue so I’m totally with you. 

    big warm wishes 


  • Hi Goldbug I hope you get good results. Xx

  • Hi  ,

    I’m really sorry that you didn’t receive the news you were hoping for today. I can completely understand you switching off, our brains have an incredible ability of going into self preservation mode. It’s good that your team are being proactive & hopefully your scan can be scheduled quickly & you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s going on.

    Know that we’re here to support you however we can.


  • Hi,

    I really feel what you’re going through at the moment. Sounds very similar to what I have just gone through. It’s very disappointing hearing the words the cancer hasn’t completely gone. I’m hoping you get the same results as I had. My oncologist was of the opinion that he didn’t want to wait until the 6 month scan so a PET was ordered, I had that last Thursday. Monday morning I had the news the cancer in the lymph was inactive. Still quite can’t believe it as I had prepared myself for a referral to Christies and to be operated on. 
    I hope you get the scan asap and it shows inactivity. 
    everything crossed for you x