Post treatment HELP !!!

  • 49 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi everyone , following on from Gill and Georgie , can I have a rant !!!? 
Finished treatment on Wednesday ( didn’t ring the bell ) made a dash for freedom and then , like you all warned me , back to feeling sorry for myself … HELP no freedom !!!!

I’ve read all the posts , understand the next few weeks painful and  a time to adjust but OMG it’s worse than the treatment !!

im very slowly increasing my food intake which has increase the frequency of bowel movements .. a little often .. I’m singing and breathing through the pain but have any of you had the swollen bottom , difficult to walk ?

im taking occasional paracetamol but any advice on the swelling would be appreciated ?

Hope you all keeping well , have a peaceful weekend

Chrissie xx 

  • Julie, you have all the best hints! Do you know what they're called?


  • If it’s any comfort Chrissie ( ) those first 11 days post treatment I too only moved from bed to bath to sofa back to bath back to bed, I rinsed every streaming channel known to man & walked (when I had to) like I’d ridden the length & breadth of the country on a very wide horse!! It’s so difficult when you’re used to living a full & active life, it was June 2018 when I finished my treatment, the weather was glorious & I just longed to get lost in the middle of a field somewhere with my dog but instead the loyal pup that she is just lay by my side & put up with the short road walks on offer from family members. 

    You'll get there but I completely understand it’s just that you want to be there now so please feel free to rant away to us, those who know exactly what you’re going through. 


  • Hi Suz

    yes they are called High Post Partum and Perinneal cold packs, cooling maternity pads cold compress therapy for vaginal soreness. You get two and they come with four little socks. I got the pm from Amazon. So handy for headaches etc too.


  • Hi Julie

    I only found out about these last week. My daughter is expecting a baby so has been prepping for the aftermath and she mentioned she had got some of these cooling pads. I recommended a sitz bath for her after reading so much on this group, so she added it to her list of “must get”! 

    Sarah xx

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  • Chrissie

    I know I have said that it brings it all back as if it were yesterday, but I was thinking reading this thread again...  at the end of treatment it was almost as if I was in a twilight world of exhaustion, pain, dodgy appetite, excruciating bowel movements that culminated in my daughter giving me an enema on the bathroom floor.  This was before I twigged that the opioids would give me constipation.  Note to anyone reading this - DO NOT GO THIS ROUTE!  The enema worked but whatever is in the fluid should not be used on open sores internally, which obviously I had at the end of radiotherapy.  My husband heard me roar with pain and he was at the other end of the house!  Thank God for this forum where we can share our experiences and commiserate.  People (some) think treatment is over, aren't you pleased?!  And all we are thinking, how am I going to get through this?  But we all did and are here to tell the tale.  My daughter gave me a little plaque - 'This too will pass' and it did.

    Just remember that.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene , 

    im at that can’t cope anymore stage !!! Have rung the radiotherapy support to see about stronger pain killers . They will ask my oncologist , but it seems that even with these everyone still in pain , so not sure what to do ? The throbbing bum , sore skin and constant need for the loo is driving me nuts … but at least I know what it is , know it will subside and if bed , loo and this forum are my daily resting place , then let it be … it sounds like you have definitely been through it Irene and I admire the way you are helping us all cope 

    take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Found them! Thank you!

  • Chrissie, they should up your pain meds, nothing totally gets rid of the pain, but my husband did a chart so that everything was kept topped up and pain was kept at a slightly lower level.  That is key, and also using the sitzbath for bowel movements.

    Please let us know how you get on, healing hugs!

    Irene xx

  • Hi Chrissie 

    I hope you can get some help with pain management today. I am exactly the same as you and agree definitely taking it’s toll on us Hugging . Can’t stop going to the loo botty is on fire throbbing as if about to deliver a bowling ball , laxido cut down to 1 sachet a day still causing diarrhoea so think will stop it now. Would be counterproductive to take loperamide and pain medication. We will hang in and fingers crossed we will have reached the peak they talk about and get down the calmer side soo. Keep chin up and keep resting Hugging

    Minty x

  • Ohh Minty , it’s so tough ….constantly on the loo pain , I just about cope with by sitting on sitz bath .. then I go to lie on the bed and the throbbing , lack of energy , tears , OMG what next ? 
    we must take comfort in the fact each day takes us nearer to nirvana !!! you will get there sooner than me , keep positive 

    big hugs 

    Chrissie xx