Post treatment HELP !!!

  • 49 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi everyone , following on from Gill and Georgie , can I have a rant !!!? 
Finished treatment on Wednesday ( didn’t ring the bell ) made a dash for freedom and then , like you all warned me , back to feeling sorry for myself … HELP no freedom !!!!

I’ve read all the posts , understand the next few weeks painful and  a time to adjust but OMG it’s worse than the treatment !!

im very slowly increasing my food intake which has increase the frequency of bowel movements .. a little often .. I’m singing and breathing through the pain but have any of you had the swollen bottom , difficult to walk ?

im taking occasional paracetamol but any advice on the swelling would be appreciated ?

Hope you all keeping well , have a peaceful weekend

Chrissie xx 

  • Hi Irene , 

    just about sing through the umpteen bowel movements and sitz bath .. it’s the constant after throb , no energy and feeling sorry for myself … you have all been through this and I thank you again for help and support

    chrissie xx

  • Oh   goodness do we feel for you! 

    I was exactly the same… I walked out without ringing the bell. Just wanted to go home and curl up. It was over. Thank bl””dy god for that! 

    So you’re in the stage now we all remember. The radiation continues its brutal (but essential and lifesaving!) work. It’s not going to be pretty and you’re going to feel pretty dreadful but embrace all the pain killers and help that you need. Now is the time to feel sorry for yourself because what you have been through is to hell and back. 

    We are all thinking of you. Bland food, be gentle and kind to yourself. Take it slowly. There are no medals for trying too hard! In fact white the opposite! 

    Shout, scream, cry at us. Whatever you need. We understand. If there was ever a time to feel sorry for yourself it is now. What you have been through is brutal but you’ve done it!!! You don’t need a bell to tell you you’re a hero. We all know, you know. 

    Soon you’ll come out the other side and this will all be a distant memory. Nearly there now… keep going and these wonderful people on here will always answer your questions, let you rant or cry. We all completely understand 

    Take care and well done again!! 

    PPR xx 

  • Thank you PPR , 

    im struggling today ( day 5 post treatment ) have asked support team for meds , as yet not come back.. not really left the bed / sofa and feel sorry for feeling like this when partner and family trying to understand what’s going on … I’ve said it before but I don’t know how I would have coped without this forum and the lovely people to understand what I’m experiencing .. 

    take care 

    big hugs 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi Chrissie

    How are you today,  hope you got some pain relief sorted out too and managed to relax ? 

    I have been tearful this morning in fact strange as it seems I wanted my Mum and she has unfortunately not been with me for 23 years. Day 12 for me it’s the constant going to bathroom irritates back passage every time , pop onto sitz bath every time bet my water bill will rise at this rate. I’m currently lying on the bed to take pressure off derrière. 
    We will get there , we have all the great members on here who are proof it will improve.

    Stay strong 

    big hugs 

    M x

  • Minty I’m the same today .. tearful , want my mum and dad !! ( mum passed 2020 , dad last year ) the hospital not got back with meds , left another message today as had a small rectal bleed this morning , no bowel movement , just a wind !!!.. I keep retreating to the bed , could sleep all day , no energy , bum hanging down , scared of the loo , fed up of the sitz bath … the sun is shining , my lippy is on the bedside table , a reminder of my former life …..

    so dear, the rants continue , but hopefully , like Georgie , we will be doing a 3 legged race very soon … then come the dilators !!!good grief that’s going to be fun 

    keep going 

    big hugs 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hello 

    That’s not good could you ring your gp? mine was good on Friday. My cancer nurse rang yesterday and has arranged for my gp to prescribe more Instillagel, 

    Don’t mention the dilators OMG frightening thought , I have already had a radical hysterectomy 10 years ago and already have scare tissue but I’ll see how it goes post recovery. Apparently got to wait to see consultant for follow up before beginning.

    i can’t imagine walking so least with three legs bit of support.

    Take care too


  • Hi M , 

    radiotherapy nurse just phoned, my oncologist on holiday so he hasn’t prescribed any meds !!! You can do this , only another week , painkillers will bung you up!!! so relax !!! Now that’s good advice if you think you can but I’m slowly thinking this 10 day peak thing is all a fairytale… 

    I hope you are turning that corner Minty ? 
    have a peaceful eve , 

    speak tomorrow 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hang on in there it will soon be a distant memory at the time I said I'd never go through it again but I'm at the other side now 

    Having chemo first week bad but weeks 2 and 3 I can tolerate xx

  • Oh  , I can’t believe that they said that to you! That’s awful. You shouldn’t have to grin and bear it. If it’s possible maybe ask for your Oncologist’s Registrar and see if they would be willing to prescribe something in your Oncologist’s absence?

    I really feel for you but I promise it will get better soon - in the meantime your treatment team should be providing you with what you need xx

  • Hi Georgie , I’m just counting the days… even the instilligel doesn’t work anymore !!! I’m keeping the paracetamol going , e45 and loose stools …

    Hope all good with you ? 
    take care 

    Chrissie xx