Post treatment HELP !!!

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  • 42 subscribers

Hi everyone , following on from Gill and Georgie , can I have a rant !!!? 
Finished treatment on Wednesday ( didn’t ring the bell ) made a dash for freedom and then , like you all warned me , back to feeling sorry for myself … HELP no freedom !!!!

I’ve read all the posts , understand the next few weeks painful and  a time to adjust but OMG it’s worse than the treatment !!

im very slowly increasing my food intake which has increase the frequency of bowel movements .. a little often .. I’m singing and breathing through the pain but have any of you had the swollen bottom , difficult to walk ?

im taking occasional paracetamol but any advice on the swelling would be appreciated ?

Hope you all keeping well , have a peaceful weekend

Chrissie xx 

  • It’s no joke Minty !!! I’m struggling with appetite as well .. we have come through a tough time but nearly there ? 
    The bed , the sitz bath and this forum have stopped me from being low .. the creams , the instilligel and paracetamol have failed me .. so my rant is over , you take good care of yourself , one day at a time ..

    big hugs 

    Chrissie xx

  •    hang on in there!!! I know it feels like such a long way away because these first few days after treatment are brutal, but I promise it does get better - and quicker than you can imagine.

    I pretty much spent 10 days in bed, just getting up to use the toilet (which was excruciating). I kept my bottom half open to the elements to aid the skin healing and applied the gels as often as I could. I think both of these really helped speed up the recovery.

    After those 10 days post treatment I started to feel some relief, so just lots of distractions and take as many painkillers as you can.

    To put things a little more into context, I’m just over 3 weeks post end of treatment and I won the 3-legged race with my 11 year old son at his sports days yesterday!!! If you’d told me 2 weeks ago I would be doing that I absolutely wouldn’t have believed you.

    Big healing hugs xx

  • Wow Georgie , that’s amazing !!! You have done really well … it funny how we are all prepared mentally for this journey but when it hits , we feel so low ? 
    keep up the good work and thanks for your help 

    Take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Georgie, that's crazy wonderful! Wow!!!!

  • It's good to have a rant! 

    The pain can be debilitating and demoralising, but it will resolve itself.

    With regards to taking paracetamol, I was advised to take it on a regular basis, as this will give you better pain control.

    Speak to  your specialist nurse or oncologist  to get guidance on whether it will impact on any other health conditions that you have.  

     Regards  and good luck.  Michael.


  • Thanks Michael , will do … you try to stay strong mentally but sometimes this condition can render you helpless .. not sure how I would have coped without this forum and the kindness of others to keep me going 

    take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi  , 

    Yes you’re definitely at the business end of this now, it’s not much fun is it? My skin held up quite well with only a couple of small areas breaking down but I had one heck of a lot of inflammation so everything felt swollen back & front inside & out! I alternated paracetamol & ibuprofen 2 hourly for a couple of weeks after my last treatment & I also took lansoprazole to protect my stomach with taking regular ibuprofen. I was at my most comfortable soaking in an Epsom salt bath. If it’s any comfort I found when my side effects had peaked & healing began it happened quickly. 

    Please feel free to come here to rant whenever you feel the need & don’t ever think you need apologise for letting off some steam. 

    I hope you’re feeling better soon. 


  • Hi Nicola , 

    my goodness does  it hurt !!! ? Not made easy by many small poos instead of one big one …son number 3 came up from London with his girlfriend , it would be today that I’m feeling weak and pathetic !!!! So 

    … feet up , deliveroo , ignore mama bear’s part of the healing.

    thanks for kind reply Nicola , 

    take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi Christie sorry you are going through all the war wounds of radiotherapy treatment. For the swelling I bought these little silicone bags that were filled with little jelly beads that you put in the freezer. They are used for haemorrhoids swelling and when they are frozen they are still soft and then you put them in the little sock provided so you don’t ice burn your skin and would place them in my knickers when things got a bit tough. I got these from Amazon who was my favourite shopping site during this time. It might be worth a try. Things will get better and the walking for me was restricted due to me having that dragging feeling that my whole bottom area was falling out. Very weird but it improved. Good luck


  • Hi Julie , 

    that’s a very useful tip .. I thought it was me just swollen at both ends !!!! The sun is shining , partner Steve another gig , I’ve only managed to get off the bed to go to the toilet and use sitz bath … i hate ranting but this is tough !!? I feel useless , not in touch with the outside world and in need of a good roast dinner .like many have said before , we are active people , full of energy but this isn’t real 

    have a good week 

    take care 

    Chrissie xx