Completed chemotherapy and radiotherapy-recovery period

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I have finally got to the end of my treatment of both chemo in weeks one and five and five and a half weeks of radiotherapy for my anal cancer.
Blush I’m so pleased to have gotten to this stage with all the valuable advice this community has offered.

I am extremely sore right now and expecting the next three weeks to be difficult. I have burns internally and externally and going to the toilet for either, is so excruciatingly painful Disappointed relieved, I am using the spitz baths and the flamamil hyro gels as well as taking regular paracetamol and morphine which I can say only just touches the pain, it certainly doesn’t take it away. I’m on stool softeners as well. 
I know that I m over the worse part but I’m getting really exhausted with the pain and the tightness of my under carriage that if there is anything else that anyone can recommend to help I would appPrayciate it for the next few weeks. I’m trying deep breathing and mindfulness but some days I just sit and have a good cry through the pain. Thanks for all the support so far. It’s been so helpful. Pray

  • I hope it settles soon, scared of leaving the house at minute incase I suddenly need the toilet Weary

  • Hi Nicola, Thanks again for all the advice, it’s all really valuable. I wondered if during your recovery period did you get a sensation of narrowing of your urethra due to the radiotherapy and inflammatory around there? 
    what I’m finding now is a burning when passing urine and soreness from my urethra, I also have some blood on passing urine. I use a portable bidet to pour warm water down there when I’m peeing. 
    it seems there are so many aspects of this process and some days I just don’t feel like I’m getting any where, possibly I’m just impatient and need to just allow the healing process to work. Thanks again x

  • Thanks Jane, you sound like you have done remarkably well in your recovery, well done and I’m sure you’re relieved now that you can go for a BO without the excruciating pain. 
    thanks for the healing hugs, means a lot, you take care too and continue to recover well. Positive vibes PrayKissing heart

  • Hi Gill , 

    I’m nearly at end of treatment and experienced urine retention throughout .. the burning has kicked in and I’m not sure how to deal with it .. I have to sit on the loo for ages to empty a little at a time but the burning on the skin !!!! You have my sympathy .. 

    Take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi Christie, I’m the same and now have blood in my urine, I use a portable bidet when I pee and it does help a little but today due to the blood and burning my GP has prescribed antibiotics, which is probably what I need, don’t think that will help the narrowing of my urethra but worth trying. 
    You can try using an empty toilet roll to pee through that helps and doesn’t allow the pee to touch the sore skin bits, try it, it worked for me. Sending hugs Hugging 

  • Thanks for that Gill … will try anything at moment .. is your bottom swollen as well ? Xx

  • I think when I went to GP they told me it was a known thing - radiation cystitis.

    Sorry may have been mentioned before but having a wee into cool or tepid water can help with that burning feeling.

  • Bottom isn’t swollen just broken down with raw skin burns from the radiotherapy that absolutely nips like hell when wet, I’m gently putting gel on all of these, the worse on this my pernium area when I do have a BO it kills me. I just keep soaking it with like warm water from my bidet. That helps slightly. Xx stick in there but if you’re concerned contact your team. Xx sending you a hug x

  • Thank for that … it actually makes sense 

    take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Thanks Gill , you couldn’t explain this to anyone who hasn’t been through same .. 

    try and have good weekend 

    Chrissie xx