Completed chemotherapy and radiotherapy-recovery period

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I have finally got to the end of my treatment of both chemo in weeks one and five and five and a half weeks of radiotherapy for my anal cancer.
Blush I’m so pleased to have gotten to this stage with all the valuable advice this community has offered.

I am extremely sore right now and expecting the next three weeks to be difficult. I have burns internally and externally and going to the toilet for either, is so excruciatingly painful Disappointed relieved, I am using the spitz baths and the flamamil hyro gels as well as taking regular paracetamol and morphine which I can say only just touches the pain, it certainly doesn’t take it away. I’m on stool softeners as well. 
I know that I m over the worse part but I’m getting really exhausted with the pain and the tightness of my under carriage that if there is anything else that anyone can recommend to help I would appPrayciate it for the next few weeks. I’m trying deep breathing and mindfulness but some days I just sit and have a good cry through the pain. Thanks for all the support so far. It’s been so helpful. Pray

  • Hello Gill8, well done for getting through the treatment and yes it’s not finished when the actual chemo radiotherapy has ended. At least you don’t have the daily trips to the hospital and can rest up as much as possible. I wanted to say I was feeling pretty raw for a few weeks after treatment and remember well to painful bowel movements but thank goodness for movicol and the sitz bath.  I also used domeboro powders I purchased from Amazon which you dilute in a pint of warm water and soak a cloth in then wring this out and place over your genitalia to help soothe the inflamed skin. Also when going to the toilet I would start to sing very lloudly in my head as a way of distracting myself. Carry on with the deep breathing and wear loose clothing. I couldn’t get on with the sitting on rubber rings as it would just place pressure in the wrong places and would sit on one leg. Lots of bathing and steady supply of pain relief. I too was on morphine and over the counter medication and on these for a couple of months after treatment as I developed a fissure. It’s so important to keep your stools soft to help prevent these. Take care

  • Gill8

    I am sure you thought these visits would never end, and you may well be thinking will I ever feel normal going to the loo again - you will, but the next couple of weeks can be tough.  I may have told you before but I used my Sitzbath for bowel movements, it was less painful going underwater and anything that helped was to be embraced.  The bath is easily emptied and disinfected and it certainly helped me through those early days.  Just don't forget the stool softeners with the strong painkillers.

    This won't last forever.  I wish I could offer some help, but you are doing everything to help yourself anyway.

    Sending you a gentle healing hug.

    Irene xx

  • Thanks so much Irene, I really appreciate your supportive words, I’m having a bad day and your right I am lying wondering if anything down below will be normal again, it’s reassuring to know from those that have endured this that it will, eventually.

    I have ordered a Sitzbath and will give that a go too, anything is worth trying. My burns are at the acute stage so a little longer before the healing process will kick in. 

    thanks again PraySunflower

  • Thanks Jaycee12, Really appreciate your support and recommendation as to what helped yourself, all these wee tips and tricks are good to know about. 
    with the stinging when I pee I am using a toilet roll tube to avoid the sore bits, it’s a fiddle but is also helping. 
    thanks Pray Sunflower

  • Hi Gill , I can feel your pain at the moment , peeing and popping beyond pain !!! Why is the bum so swollen , let’s hope the treatment is actually working !!!? You all told me it would get bad towards the end and after but OMG , I couldn’t describe this to my family or friends , only you lovely people .. Keep going Gill and let us know when things get better. 
    Chrissie xx

  • Hi again Gill, sorry to hear you are having a bad day, but days like this will diminish as your body heals.

    It is a horrible place to have a tumour and such a delicate area to treat with harsh radiation. BUT it is very effective, and you are on the road now. If you can just go with this tough stage, it will get better. 

    Be gentle with yourself, take all the painkillers and softeners you need. Wear soft clothes and fat pads, try to rest and treat your poor undercarriage with love. Look towards the better days ahead, where you will be offering support to those who follow.

    I send you a big hug, Gill

    V xx

  • Hi Gill, I like Georgie am 2 weeks post treatment now and my skin has healed apart from a couple of little bits around my bottom and honestly once it starts healing it really is amazing how quickly Heartt does get better, so please take comfort from that. You’ve done so well getting to the end of treatment, I remember those last 3 days where i

    was so sore, had open wounds in my groin n wondered howHeartI would finish treatment, but we did it Heart

    Although feeling swollen still all down there, I must be so lucky as opening my bowels is no longer painful but when I feel the need to go, I have to go now if you know what I mean and this happens Flushedite a few times a day. Really hoping that improves too soon or not sure how I’ll cope when going back to work if I literally have to run to the loo 6 times a day FlushedFlushed

    stay strong my lovely and sending healing hugs n love, Jane x

  • Hi Jane , 

    I have 6 sessions left and yes it does get tough .. I’m still asking loads of questions , so very reassured by your post .. The past few days have seen a massive increase in my trips to the loo , tummy gripes and pain when I go … you have done so well … 

    take care 


  • Thankyou Chrissy, good luck to you for your last few sessions, they’ll be done before you know it xx

  • Yes, I had the need to go RIGHT NOW for a little while, then it went to needing to go as soon as my feet touched the ground in the morning.

    Hopefully you'll find this settles - I am back to normal now almost 3 years post treatment although my poos are a bit thin, like little dog's poos! Sorry TMI.