Completed chemotherapy and radiotherapy-recovery period

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I have finally got to the end of my treatment of both chemo in weeks one and five and five and a half weeks of radiotherapy for my anal cancer.
Blush I’m so pleased to have gotten to this stage with all the valuable advice this community has offered.

I am extremely sore right now and expecting the next three weeks to be difficult. I have burns internally and externally and going to the toilet for either, is so excruciatingly painful Disappointed relieved, I am using the spitz baths and the flamamil hyro gels as well as taking regular paracetamol and morphine which I can say only just touches the pain, it certainly doesn’t take it away. I’m on stool softeners as well. 
I know that I m over the worse part but I’m getting really exhausted with the pain and the tightness of my under carriage that if there is anything else that anyone can recommend to help I would appPrayciate it for the next few weeks. I’m trying deep breathing and mindfulness but some days I just sit and have a good cry through the pain. Thanks for all the support so far. It’s been so helpful. Pray

  • Thanks Vanilla, yes that is what they mentioned to me, I hope that with a course of antibiotics it will subside and allow me to pass urine normally as this is especially painful in the morning or if I have been sitting for a while. 
    I was given Instagel to numb it but not sure how often I should be using this. 
    thanks again take care x

  • Hello Gill

    i know exactly what you are going through , I’m in a similar situation and stage as yourself. I underestimated the level of pain after the treatment, it’s very difficult and like you am trying every option available to help cope. I hope each day you will feel bit better too.

    best wishes 

    M x

  • Hope you coping Gill ? … my last day tomorrow , very sore and had a rectal bleed earlier , not sure if it’s the cancer or a burn !!!? 
    have the antibiotics made life any easier ? 
    thinking of you 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi Minty2, Stick in there, it’s hard and your right I also under estimated how severe this recovery stage would be, but keep thinking and telling yourself we will get through this time! 
    Hope you start to feel less sore, keep using the portable bidet when passing urine and applying the gels and creams. Sending you hugs Hugging 

  • Hi Chrissie, Well done you, you got there, yOU should be proud of yourself. I too have had several rectal and urethral bleeds but I have burns in both those areas. I do hope and pray that it is the cancer getting hit too though!

    The antibiotics are helping but think I need more, the feeling of tightness in my urethra is still there and it’s still sore when I first try and pass urine, the bleeding has stopped though, so that’s a positive!

    You will have time now to just rest, sleep and let your body heal, it’s been through a traumatic time. Lay in a bath if the pain gets severe and take plenty of pain medications as prescribed and that will help. I’m thinking of you and sending you healing hugs, we will get there, let me know how you get on.

    I have found that the comments and encouragement on this site from you all has been a real help, Take care 

  • Hi Gill , 

    So pleased you slowly starting to heal … it’s been a long process !!!

    I had rectal bleeding before treatment and now again . Not sure if it’s the cancer or from the radiotherapy .. but hey Ho , it’s last day and like all of us , the pain and uncertainties continue ..

    I have utmost respect for all of you , who support and take time to reply to the myriad of posts . 
    keep well , keep posting 

    many thanks 

    Chrissie xx