Stoma op booked!

  • 22 replies
  • 41 subscribers

After great deliberation and much supportive help from the amazing colorectal team at our local hospital, I am booked in early June for a colostomy.  After giving the matter so much thought, I decided I couldn't carry on with the problems I have had after radiotherapy.  My anal stenosis has got to the stage where it almost rules my life and I thought anything has to be better than this.  I take hope that in future strange 'farts' emanating from me will enhance my reputation no end with my young grandsons who have all been with me every step of the way!


  • I honestly could have written those exact words. I think I’ve been putting up with it as I’m just accepting this is my new life. But it’s bonkers not a proper life at all. Not only the agony but the unpredictability. The distrust in my own body. The huge cumbersome nappies I feel worried to leave the house without!!! Have just picked up some more Diltiazem cream for the fissure but that’s like a plaster for the problem than really addressing it.

    So glad to hear your op went well, can’t wait to see you thrive!   Thank you so much for all the info and advice. 

    Just had a curve ball this afternoon so putting this on the back burner again ! Just been put in a 2 week emergency cancer pathway for my throat. Thought it was my thyroid but GP was oddly insistent that I see a cancer specialist for ear nose and throat. So will concentrate on that for now. 

    It never rains but it pours…

    PPR xx 

  • Oh PPP, NOOOOO!!!!!


    Rush here and update us when you have more news!
