Growth on bottom & lymph node lung

  • 5 replies
  • 36 subscribers

So had appointment today 26/9/23 they found small growth on my bottom near the anus which needs a biopsy under a general and a camera to find out why I bled again almost a year later also there’s a lymph node found on my right lung 5mm going to watch for now and check again on next Ct scan in 6 months. Feeling anxious but need to tell myself they are very good keeping a watchful eye. Now waiting for appointment for a pre op and general xx 

  • GreenNanny

    I totally understand why you are anxious but it sounds as if your team are on the ball in following up your symptoms.  I am keeping everything crossed that the growth is nothing, please let us know when you are going in for this biopsy, we will all be rooting for you.

    And we are always here the rest of the time too.

    Huge hugs

    Irene xx

  • Hi GreenNanny

    I completely understand your anxiety, but you’re right , your team seem to be very ‘on it’ so I’m sure you will get your appointments through quickly ( although I know that even the following day wouldn’t be quick enough when you’re feeling worried ) Fingers crossed it will be nothing at all. 
    Sending positivity and calm xx

  • Hi  ,

    I’m sorry you’ve got more going on right now but as you say your team are aware of everything & are keeping a close eye on things, I think it’s only natural that you’re feeling a bit anxious over it all. Have they given you any idea how long it will be until you get the biopsy etc., done? I hope it won’t be long to wait & that it all turns out to be nothing to worry about. Got everything crossed that your tests bring good news. 


  • Hi thank you for your reply. I’m waiting for a appointment hopefully not long Fingers crossed I’m worried about all the drs strikes. 

  • Yes the strikes are a concern! If you don’t hear anything soon don’t be afraid to contact them. 
