Great news!

  • 5 replies
  • 37 subscribers

***EDIT 14/9/23***

mammogram ALL CLEAR!!!! Yes I am so very relieved Sweat smile!!!! 


Hi my 6 monthly check Ct scan, is great news- all CLEAR!!!!Yay!! Kidney liver abdomen bowel etc. Just got to wait for the mri 26th sept so fingers crossed for that! Xx
Just got mammogram tomorrow morning so fingers crossed it’s just cysts. I asked if I go to six monthly check ups now she said no still pretty intense it’s 3 monthly so I’m happy knowing they are keeping a watchful eye xx

  • GreenNanny

    Absolutely wonderful news, I am so happy for you!  And I know the frequent checks are intense but you are right, a watchful eye is good - and best of luck with your mammogram and MRI scan.

    Sleep easy!

    Irene xx

  • That’s great news on your CT results  . Sending lots of positive vibes your way for the mammogram tomorrow, hopefully that’ll bring good news also & for the MRI on the 26th. In the last year to 18 months I had a mammogram, cervical smear (first since treatment) & my first bowel screening plus my discharge from surveillance for my cancer (5 years NED) all of which were thankfully clear results so I feel like I’ve had a thorough MOT!! It’s always reassuring when you have a vigilant team around you. Please keep us informed on how you get on tomorrow.


  • I’m so happy for you!! Thank you for your reply just sat waiting here now for the mammogram Fingers crossed take care xx

  • Great news GreenNanny! Really pleased for you about your CT results.  All the very best for your mammogram and MRI Fingers crossedBig hug 


    And yes, all the scans and exams are pretty debilitating, but a watchful team is above pearls.