WHAT THE! lump number two

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  • 40 subscribers

Hi all, some of you are aware from my previous post that I had surgery around nine weeks ago to remove a lump that didn’t show any concerns of returning cancer which was a relief but I have noticed this morning that where they removed it another little blighter (excuse my French) is growing rapidly I would say. My bowel movements are much less painful now everything has healed up but now I hope this new lump growing doesn’t get too much and obstructs my EXIT! it’s been itching this morning and I thought blow it I’m going to put neat tea tree oil on it as I prefer the slight sting to the irritant itching. I have a CT scan Thursday and the nuclear medicine treatment on Friday so will see how it goes. I have been introduced to the MY CHART app link to my hospital which is a brilliant way of keeping up with my oncologist team and it’s great for asking any questions or when getting your results from scans instead of waiting for your next appointment. I’m not sure how many hospitals offer this or if it is a countrywide practice.


  • Ermehgerd, I googled it in horrified curiousity, and the nanny software on our modem from my husband's work wouldn't let me go any further!

  • That has reassured me a bit, although my skin is extremely fragile hence my concern.  Yes, I ended up having a laugh with the whole family about the sites that popped up on my screen! xx

  • Haha  , I can only imagine what appeared on googling that one, it would make your eyes water for sure! I remember years ago a work colleague telling me she’d googled a recipe for Beef bourguignon but didn’t spell it quite right & was horrified at what came up lol, I’ve been very careful with my spelling ever since! 

       following a conversation with my surgeon quite early on when my stenosis was at its worse & showing no signs of improvement I think the issue with the stretching procedure once you’ve had the radiotherapy related to our diagnosis is the condition of the skin, the radiotherapy forever changes the skin & it’s much thinner & more prone to splitting easily & from what I understand it’s not a one off procedure & as with yourself it’ll need doing multiple times. My stenosis has thankfully slowly improved over the last couple of years, I no longer rely on stool softeners daily but I completely understand that others might not be so lucky & need to try other avenues so thanks so much for the insight into this procedure it’s always good to hear from someone that’s actually been through it. 
