EUA - What to expect afterwards

  • 4 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi all, I’m back with another query Grimacing I’m due to have an EUA this week and really just after some advice on what to expect afterwards. Will it be painful and will I need much downtime after it? Consultant not been very clear in fact bit disappointed with communication all round to be honest Pensive

If I’ve understood things so far they don’t seem very concerned with my case as they think they were able to remove everything with clear margins when they took the lump that was SCC. My op was April, got results in May followed by CT scan. Only just had my PET Scan and now EUA to follow. Timescales seem to be very slow so I’m trying to take that as positive!

another question I’m due to have a colonoscopy two weeks after my EUA - it was booked before the EUA - is that realistic or will I need more recovery before that can happen?

Right now I’m a very confused mum trying not to be a bother to anyone juggling my emotions, the kids summer holidays and work! All feels a bit much at times. Also feel silly making a big deal as no one else medically seems to be that bothered and makes me feel stupid!

  • First and foremost, YOU ARE NOT A BOTHER!!! You are a young woman with a very challenging medical situation and you deserve all the information you need to plan your journey and keep your family rolling on as you do it! I'm in awe that you work and have young children while you're coping with this huge, huge life challenge! 

    You don't ever have to edit your emotions here. Around kids, yeah, you do, but not here. 

    My EUA was rough, I won't sugarcoat it. I got about 24 hours, or close to it, of being okay because of the numbing of the site, but when that wore off I was a sad panda. Really hard pain for about 2 days, and not much better for several days after that. Your medical folks over there seem to be a bit more pro-active about pain management, so take advantage of that and don't plan much of anything for a week afterwards, as much as a young mother can.

    The colonoscopy might be okay. I'd certainly ask your docs about it. They're no fun, but when you're used to butt pain on our level, the discomfort afterwards is mild in comparison. 

    Bother your medical team. That's their job, and you don't have to apologize to them or anyone else for wanting clear communications with realistic prognoses.

    Get our your Stern Mom Voice and don't let yourself be fobbed off.



  • Thank you so much Suz, it’s helpful to have an idea of what to expect. I really worry about having a general anaesthetic too. I’ve been a bit emotional today and had a little cry.

    I’ll make sure I get some pain relief in as it could be a bit of a sore week. I’ll be sure to ask about whether the colonoscopy can go ahead. I guess it depends what they end up doing as part of the EUA. My foam donut will be put to good use again! 

    Leigh xx

  • Hi Leigh my first contact with the first hospital I attended was for a colonoscopy which was carried out with just gas and air as a relaxant. After this I did need to go in for a EUA for a polyp investigation annd removed and was warned by the nurse that I would have some discomfort for a few days. I must have escaped the first time as I needed to go back and have a sessile polyp removed plus they needed to take a marginal area to check for cancer cells. This did involve quite some pain afterwards and was prescribed some pretty hefty medication. I do think it can depend on whereabouts the area is that is affected. I would advise you draw in some help around you just in case. We do remarkably well coping with this kind of pain and so entitled to sound off to anyone who will listen and that’s what WE ARE here for. Take care.

  • You have had so much going on, I am not at all surprised you are tearful.  Please, please don't think that you are ever bothering anyone, my heart goes out to anyone experiencing this but who have (on top) have young children to care for.

    I know hospitals are under pressure but I think your team treating you could have done a bit better in getting all these scans and investigations done more quickly, and giving you more feedback.  How you are feeling right now is a prime example of when people get a diagnosis such as ours that absolutely leaves you reeling.  So the last thing you want is to have weeks and weeks between investigations, and all the torture that goes on in between each appointment.

    So please, sound off here as much as you want, no one will judge in the least and all will understand.

    I posted some time back that I had an examination under GA and for a day afterwards it was like a bad period pain (from many moons ago!) but I have since found out that that definitely isn't the case for everyone.  So I think it very much depends on what they do, what biopsies they take, if any.

    Sending hugs.

    Irene xx