Catch Up

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  • 34 subscribers

Hi all, hope everyone is good and enjoying the sun. Sorry this is a bit long winded. Promised I'd let you know how I got on with my eConsultation yesterday. To be honest I was really peed off after I spoke to her, wasn't my own GP, but another female doctor. Told her I was still concerned about the small lump which now could be a sentinal skin tag, caused by scar tissue from a past anal fissure, according to the last doctor, after she looked/glimpsed at it 2 weeks ago. This was after I had another slight show of red blood and manage to get a face to face appt.

She then went through the tick boxing and apparently I didn't meet all the criteria to be fast forward for a further investigation at the moment, like losing weight, tiredness, and more bleeding. Told her I don't ever remember having an anal fissure, think I'd remember as it would hurt when you poo from what I've seen on the Internet and NHS site. She then went on about whether I drank enough fluids, and what my diet was like, which made me laugh, because I rarely suffer constipation as I eat a high fibre diet. Told this to the surgeon before I had the colonoscopy. The phone call was going around in circles. Then she asked me to try Rectogesic which I got today to see if it will help, and to come back and see her if I'm still concerned. Asked if this will make the lump/tag disappear and she said it should make it smaller. Can't see that happening as it's been there awhile,only got concerned after the blood shows. I'm now totally baffled. So I'm just going to have to wait and see how everything goes, no choice really. What I can't understand is why the last GP didn't offer me any solution. I'm presuming they think you should live with it and it's ok to have to have shows of blood and not worry about it. The whole thing is causing me health anxiety. Your wisdom and advice would be much appreciated ladies, thank you. Eirene xx

  • Hi I would try the Rectogesic as suggested and go back to your GP if there's no reduction in size of the sentinel pile. Also, if you bleed again then I would go straight back to your GP. Are you able to see the sentinel pile and can you tell if it has increased in size at all?  If it increases in size then that is another reason to go straight back to your GP. If there's no reduction in the size of the sentinel pile then I would be consider going back to the GP and advising how this is making you feel in terms of your health anxiety and seeing what advice you get then. I would ask how will the sentinel pile be treated, could  it be removed?  It is awful to have something playing on your mind, you just want to know exactly what it is which is totally understandable. Bev x

  • Thanks Bev for your response. Like you suggested, I'm just going to keep an eye on everything. It hasn't increased in size as hubby checked today, my bum has never seen so many viewers haha. I'll carry on with the Rectogesic for now.  Will be going back if anything changes. It is the not knowing that causes the anxiety, trying to stay in the moment, easier said than done though EIrene xx

  • Hi Elrene I did a search on the site regarding the rectogesic and your comments came up. I have just been given this medication by my GP as I have a skin tag from a external pile due to a operation removing a suspect tumour which they found cancer cells in the margin therefore had to go through the chemoradiotherapy route. This pile/tag? As at the time the oncologist said tag and Macmillan nurse said pile resulted in very painful bowel movements leaving me in tears. I am eight weeks post treatment and been using the gel for nearly four days for a fissure and it’s difficult as I was told to apply around and just inside every 12 hours but sometimes I have to pass a bowel movement and then wash the area. It’s still painful but I suppose not as, but enough! Can you tell me if it eventually healed your fissure? I hope you are keeping well. Julie x

  • Hi Julie. Only just seen your post, although not sure if I can help.  Regarding the rectogesic, I stopped using it after 5 days, as I was sure I didn't have an anal fissure and at the time, I felt the doctor prescribed it as she just wanted to fob me off on a telephone call. I actually had to go private to get another opinion and why I had the initial bleeding/skin tag, and I didn't have a anal fissure. Hope your symptoms improve soon, can understand how stressful it must be, especially after your treatment. Hope someone else here can give you better advice, they're very knowledgeable. Best wishes to you xx