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I'm now 2 and a half weeks post treatment and was starting to feel positive even though it's all a bit 2 steps forward and one step back but just these last few days the nausea has returned and building up. I had the most awful night and today isn't starting well. The awful 'aura' of the Radiotherapy room has returned and again my appetite is going and fatigue getting stronger. Has anyone else had this happen? I was hoping that I would be starting to leave those nasty side effects behind me by now! A voice of experience would be greatly appreciated xxx

  • my nausea went away after the first week of chemo but bizarrely returned for about 1 month about 6 weeks post treatment. I wouldn’t feel nauseous every day but it was on & off. I mentioned it at one of my Oncology appointments he didn’t seem concerned ( I thought it meant something was wrong), he advised me to continue to take the anti nausea tablets I’d had during chemo which I did. The nausea then went away. Our bodies have been through so much, this treatment is very very intended and it does take it’s toll on our bodies. I had a backwards slide at the 8 weeks post treatment mark in relation to anal soreness but then that began to improve. I think it’s normal to have ‘dips’ within the recovery process, I know I did and others on here have also experienced this. Remember it’s still early days for you in your recovery. Hope this helps. Bev. 

  • Ps very intensive not intended! Bev. 

  • Aww, thank you Bev it really does. Sometimes I think I might be imagining feeling ill and I'm really just being stupid and lazy.  Xxx

  •  You come across to me as insightful & funny, not stupid or lazy!

    People (including me) like to imagine that healing goes in a straight line but that’s never been my experience & certainly not in the 6 months since treatment  xx  toni

  • Thank you toni that means a lot Heartbeatxxx

  •  It’s about the basics, isn’t it - upsy downsy.  Fall down, get up  xx  toni

  • You're so right toni.  I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day! You've made this one a bit better thank you xxx Marie