Three Month Check-Up...anoscope?!!

  • 2 replies
  • 34 subscribers
Good morning to everyone,
Yesterday I had my three-month check-up which consisted of a PET/CT scan, labs, and an anoscope. My PET scan showed slight uptake near the sphincter, which was thought to be inflammation. An anoscope (which seems barbaric) showed proctitis but the doctor didn’t find anything suspicious. Are anoscopes very painful for anyone else? I feel like I acted like a baby, and I normally never carry on during medical procedures. The idea that we'll need an anoscope every three months for a while is daunting and stressful!
Overall, the check-up was promising, but wouldn’t we all like to get a perfectly clean report! (I did have two lymph nodes potentially involved, and those nodes didn't show any uptake yesterday, so there's that:)
I just had to share because this entire journey is filled with moments of strength, stress, and fear - and hope! I hope everyone is doing well. Stay strong!
All the best,
  • Hi there Sarah 

    I’d definitely take this report as a positive one, it’s not unusual for that first check-up at 3 months post treatment to be as yours is, at this point in your recovery the radiotherapy is still doing it’s thing & at this stage I for one still had a whole lot of inflammation going on, I could feel it when I went to the toilet each time! 

    As far as I’m aware anoscopes are not commonplace in the UK although I know they are in the US & from what I’ve heard from others it is a pretty uncomfortable procedure. Here in the UK follow-ups are generally annual scans & DRE’s. Great news on the lymph nodes too. 

    You’re so right about the feelings we endure on this journey, all we can do is try our best to deal with each as they arise & you’re doing a great job. 


  • Hi  that sounds promising, it would be lovely to get a cast iron guarantee that we were 100% clear wouldn’t it. As Nikki65 has said we don’t tend to have anoscopes in the Uk. I googled a picture of one and it must be very painful having that shoved in so soon after treatment I don’t think you’re complaining for nothing at all! Bev