creams and dressings

  • 4 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Me again, so far, haven't slept tonight. Can I pick your brains about dressings and things?  Did anyone get dressings.  i was told i would be given them if I needed them, but since am at home now, how does anyone know?  

I have been given Flamizine, and flaminal torte, with I think advice to alternate these on the broken down skin.  Flamigel is in use for the rest of the skin.  Salt baths on the word of this site, my consultant said salt is too abrasive.  I have instillagel too, with advice to put on, wipe off after 5 mins and then apply the other creams already mentioned.  i often forget this step.  i have polymen dressings left ovver from weeks ago, but no one has said how or if to use them now.   Advice please? Tummy sore from the meds, going to try and sleep again :( :( :(

  • Hi 

    Firstly I would give your oncologist another call, contact his/her secretary & tell them you’re struggling & you need to speak to them as a matter of urgency. I saw in another post that you’d missed your review telephone appointment & after ringing nobody got back to you? Don’t be afraid to be assertive & ring again if nobody returns that call, you need advice & that will probably only take a 5 minute call back to you, it’s not too much to ask is it?

    You’re obviously struggling & although we can say what we’ve done to cope during/following treatment your oncologist is best to advise especially where medications are concerned, if the morphine is giving you tummy issues then there must be something else your Dr’s can prescribe, personally it did nothing for me other than give me chronic constipation & I got much more relief from alternating paracetamol & ibuprofen 2 hourly!  

    Regarding the creams I would  just to keep on using them as instructed, these first couple of weeks following treatment are the worst in relation to side effects, maybe give your GP a call in regards to not sleeping, they could possibly prescribe something in the short term, for me the fatigue took care of that, some days I could almost sleep the clock around! I would probably sleep 9pm-7am then constantly nap throughout the day some days. Try & get plenty of air to the sore, broken skin, if that means taking a bath & then laying on the bed in the buff then do it, I used to do this regularly, I warned the rest of the house prior to doing it though lol

    You will get there & you will start healing very soon it just takes these awful few days before that begins & it’s really not nice is it? I hope you managed to eventually nod off & get some rest. 


  • Thanks Nicola, good advice as always.  I did ring back and have spoken to a doctor now and am a bit clearer and more comfortable with the plan.  Am resting on the bed as you mention, and giving the oromorph another try.  Am also getting amitriptyline for the nerve pain, so hopefully might sleep  tonight.

  • I’m really pleased to hear you’ve managed to speak to a Dr . You’ve been in my thoughts today. I have osteoarthritis & I was prescribed amitriptyline for nerve pain a few years ago, it knocked me out! I was told to take it at bedtime but found I didn’t feel properly awake until lunchtime the following day so I began taking it a bit earlier in the evening so I’d sleep it off overnight, I ended up changing to nortriptyline which does the same thing without the drowsiness but with you struggling to sleep it may help you in that respect also. I hope you get some decent sleep tonight. 


  • Hi Nicola

    Thank you for thinking of me.  II slept better last night, had 4 hours before the pain woke me up a couple times, and had a better day so far today.  Switching to slow release morphine from tonight so that might help too, hopefully with that and the amitriptyline I will be out for the count :)