Finished my treatment

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  • 35 subscribers

Hi everyone Wave . I am pleased to announce that yesterday I finished my treatments Pray I'm over the blinking moon. I didn't ring THE bell but I said I'd sneak in and swing on it like quasimodo when I get the 'all clear'. Although I've hit a major milestone and I am truly elated boy oh boy am I suffering! All of my 'undercarriage' feels like it's been ran over by a truck and then blow torched and was told yesterday that it will get much worse over the next 10 - 14 days! I'm now bedridden on morphine every 2 hours plus paracetamol, ibuprofen and flamazine mixed 50/50 with cathejell on the rare occasions that I am actually awake which is only to do my John Wayne walking impression to the loo followed by sounds of a tortured 1970s horror movie victim. My nurse told me that sleeping a lot isn't a bad thing but to put alarms into my phone so that I'm drinking and eating as I get very dehydrated. I was given polymem dressings for my groin area (knicker elastic area) but I can't remember if I put the cream on first (morphine brain). Does anyone here have asthma and did the treatment make it worse? Today I am going to try and stay awake long enough to read some of my detective book, it's about a serial killer so that should cheer me up lol. Xxx

  • Oh, don't forget; virtual mountain climbing, growing wine vineyard on your windowsill and building a life size model of the Empire state building from recycled cat litter RoflRoflRofl. I have some blinking weird dreams I should put them to pen and paper I could have a best seller on my hands... I'll have to be careful about the title as Blazing Saddles and Ring of Fire are already

  • Dear Moira,

                         the more you drink the less it hurts, (still hurts but not as much) People recommend squirting or pouring warm water on yourself, with a recycled squirty bottle or plastic jug. Did you buy the portable bidet that fits on the loo from ebay ?  fill that with warm water, lower your posterior and pee in it, takes the edge off.  good luck, I feel I have turned the corner now on the 10th day after treatment but I am still shouting when I go to the toilet, my family just have to get used to it !

    very best wishes,


  • Thank you Sarah, I must admit to having a giggle when t read this, just as well we CAN laugh! How I wish I could draw, imagine the books we could write and illustrate between all of us!

    The bidet sounds like a great tip, I'll order one today, thank you again,

    Love Moira x.   Three

  • I have been using the squirty bottle but it's of no help now so with your reminder I've ordered a portable bidet. I can't wait xxx

  • Can someone please tell me WHY our appetite goes? I'm just so full even after one bite! I could understand with the Capecitabine but I'm off the tablets!

    Love Moira x

  • I'm the same now! I was managing to eat through the treatment albeit high calorie usually not good for you stuff but it kept my weight even. Now that the treatment has finished I don't feel hungry and if I think I could eat something, like you I can only force a couple of mouthfuls! I'm really suffering and struggling at the moment. xxx Marie 

  • Isn't it flaming awful? I have one more treatment on Tuesday and I'm dreading it so much! Not being able to eat is killing me, I needed to loose weight but this is ridiculous! My poor son, he is a great cook but it's a waste of time cooking for me! He made pizza yesterday and I could have been sick! Thank goodness I have people to moan to, people who actually understand!

    Thank you Marie, so much!

    Love  Three.

  • Hi Moira () & Marie (),

    If it’s any comfort I went through this also, I ate more or less normally throughout treatment even when I stopped the anti-sickness meds although maybe slightly smaller portions & I didn’t pick between meals at all but in the 2 weeks after my last treatment my appetite went through the floor! I literally picked here & there over those couple of weeks living mainly on toast but then slowly my appetite picked up again, I think our body’s have taken such a battering over the weeks in treatment that towards the end it catches up with us & there’s nothing like a bit of pain to kill your appetite is there? I’m sorry you’re both struggling right now but you will get through it, at this stage it seems never ending but there’s lots of us here to vouch that it does get better & once you begin healing it does happen pretty quickly considering how you feel at the end of treatment & the couple of weeks afterwards & please don’t ever think you’re moaning  we’re all here to support one another. 
