Feel like I'm going backwards!

  • 3 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hi all

Hope you are all battling on and staying strong.

I finished my treatment on 6th January. I now have a few additional issues which are all about to be investigated.

For the past week my bowel movements have been like clockwork. I'm actually going more frequently than I ever have. I have ceased using the bowel softeners and now seem to be very runny. It's more like mushy mess (sorry for being gross but that's the best way I can describe them)

I'm becoming very sore again in the whole area and getting very fed up. I'm using every cream possible and nothing really helps. I don't seem to be getting much warning either which has led to a few accidents. Has anyone else experienced this?

Michelle x

  • Hi  I’m 18 months post-treatment and have bouts where this happens to me, it makes me sore. When this happens I have salt baths and I use sudacrem. After radiotherapy the skin is very sensitive and when you have diarrhoea like motions it aggravates everything. Maybe check your diet, this may contributed to by something, although in my case it’s not always diet related. Bev x

  • Thanks Bev

    Maybe it's something we have to learn to live with then. It's the urgency that gets me down. I'd be mortified if I got caught short out in public!! Staying close to home right now. I eat a pretty balanced diet and can't think of anything in particular that would have caused this but who knows?

    Thanks as always. Hope you are well.

    Michelle x

  • Hi ,

    I'm coming up to 3 years post treatment in June & although I don’t get diarrhoea I still have periods where everything gets quite sore. I’m just coming out of one of those times where it seems to have gone on for weeks before everything has settled down again. For me these episodes include itchy, sore skin that often splits internally when I have a BM, I still take softeners & have to up them to twice a day when this happens to keep things really soft, I also sometimes get a bit of an upset tummy, bloating, very windy etc. I’m trying intermittent fasting just now as I mainly go for a BM first thing in the morning, as soon as I’m up & moving around this seems to trigger things, so I’m doing Circadian fasting at the minute where I aim for a 13-14 fasting period overnight, pretty easy as I’m asleep for at least 6-7 hours of that, so after 6/7pm I only have water or herbal tea then breakfast can be from 7/8am. I’m finding it’s improving my morning routine where the loo is concerned & I've lost a couple of lbs too (I’m usually an evening snacker). I often also find going back to basics helps too, if I get tummy issues I go back to a food diary to try & pin down triggers (I pretty much know what these are now though & sometimes it’s unrelated) but sometimes it helps & as Bev has said salt baths, I also moisturise A LOT, especially before bed so the cream just sits there overnight. 

    If you’re having one of these episodes & you know you need to be out for a period of time would it help taking loperamide, I suppose you need to weigh up the risk of it swinging you the opposite way though! 

    I hope things improve for you soon. 
