How does one do polymem dressing ?

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  • 34 subscribers

Hello everyone,

                          I'm starting my 4th week chemoradio and I'm getting pretty sore and swollen but I must be pretty lucky, or tough, or both, as I haven't had to use painkillers yet.

I had my weekly review today and the nurse gave me stretchy pants and polymem dressing rolls. She said cut them to shape and wear 24/7. How do people manage with this ? 

It seems pointless to cut a bumhole as that is sore. I have a bit of fecal incontinence,  and wee many times at day and night. Any tips for using it ?  its a bit different to a leg ulcer isn't it.

She told me to start on paracetamol at night, but she said it is best to take it regularly as the effect builds up but I dont want to be taking 8 a day until I need to....  

I'm counting those disgusting chemo tablets down, can't wait till the box is empty on 24th March. The nurse says to stay in bed the week to 10 days after treatment finishes as that will be the worst. Then they will give me some kind of vaginal dilator as my vag is extremely sore and will scar.

I find if I keep myself busy I feel a lot better than moping around. I've started carrying a spare pair of pants in my bag but haven't had to use them yet. I have bought a massive padded seat for my bicycle, haven't tried that yet. I have put a sheet in the bed after a morning surprise . . .. 

Any tips on polmem gratefully recieved.


  • Hi Sarah (), 

    It’s great to hear you’re through to week 4 with few side effects, this sounds pretty much like I was, yes I was sore & as you say a little swelling more so to my lady bits but no more than that. 

    Unfortunately I’ve had no experience of the polymem dressings but if you ask at your next treatment session I’m sure the radiotherapy team will ask a nurse to see you to show you how best to cut them to size. 

    In reference to pain relief, just use as you need it but I agree that paracetamol works best once built up in your system, if you’re beginning to need pain relief a couple of times a day then I would agree in taking them regularly, 4 hourly during your waking hours, this is what I did alternating with ibuprofen so I was getting some pain relief on board every 2 hours, this was only necessary for me during the 11 days post treatment. As for staying in bed I found I wasn’t capable of doing much in those 11 days, salt bath, sofa, salt bath, bed was the daily routine but you have to play it by ear as we’re all slightly different, just do what you feel is best for you. 

    I too kept busy during treatment almost to the end, I found a nap on an afternoon & an early bedtime took care of the fatigue & in between I functioned quite normally on the most part. Although the thought of riding a bike makes my eyes water even now padding aside! 

    The radiotherapy causes vaginal stenosis as well as anal stenosis & you lose the flexibility in those muscles, oh the joys! You’ll most likely be provided with a pack of dilators at the end of your treatment, mine consisted of 4 different sizes & I was told to begin using them as soon as I had healed & it was comfortable to do so. The nurse told me to begin with the smallest & once inserted to move it in a circular motion & once comfortable with that to move up a size & so on, these will help stretch those muscles & are aimed at people resuming some intimacy with their partners following what can be quite harsh treatment. 

    I hope you get some help soon with the application of your dressings. 
