Still feeling terrible

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Well, I've gotten to the end of the first week and looking forward to my 2 days off from chemo tablets and radiotherapy. Hopefully the 2 days will give me a little bit of time off from constantly feeling sick, faint and generally horrendous. I've slept a lot this week and lived on a tin of scotch broth and a few ginger nuts every day. My sense of smell is off the chart and the mere whiff of certain foods such as garlic having me wretching. The days seem to get longer every day even though I spend the most of them travelling to, at, from the hospital and sleeping. I keep telling myself it's for a long and happy future and I will get through it. On a positive note the morphine helps with the pain which is very welcoming. I'm jealous of people who seem to be able to carry on normal things during their treatment but not from a bad place just plain jealous. 

  • Hi , sorry your holiday in Chernobyl isn’t as much fun as we’d hoped;)  Hope you feel better over the weekend break.  Wish I had some clever advice to offer but I dealt with 7 months in bed (couldn’t sit or stand, hospital trips on a stretcher) by watching so much Netflix that my brain is probably permanently damaged.  Toni  x

  • Hi ,

    I’m so sorry you’re feeling so horrendous! Have you told the radiotherapy/oncology team how poorly you’re feeling? I would hope they would try a different anti-sickness medication for you as it’s one of those not one size fits all medication & from what I understand there are many options. Also don’t worry at this time what you’re eating, as long as you’re eating something, probably the blander the better right now if you’re reacting to stronger smells. I really hope it settles down for you soon. 
