Husband recently diagnosed

  • 5 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Hi, I’m new on here and just messaging to say hi and any helpful advice appreciated. My husband was found to have ACC after a scan in the usa in May last year for something completely different. He was found to have a tumour in his neck which was removed and then 30 sessions of radiotherapy!  Now waiting for scans to see how it went. My husband is so positive I wish I was more like him but all I can think about is his lungs and our future, it feels so selfish when he is going through the treatment and I am just looking on. I have tried not to look up anything on the internet since his diagnosis so I think this is the nearest I have come to hearing people talk about the same condition 

  • Hi Victoria. 

    I'm so sorry to hear your husband has this. You're the second post I've read in 2 days about this and it is such a rare cancer. My dad had this cancer but his was untreatable and also went unnoticed for 5+ years.  

    Look at the Christie Hospital and the Ellla Project there for ACC. 

    Big hugs  xx

  • Thank you CazF, I had looked at the Christie hospital and Ella project after reading it on here. Step by step. Xx

  • Hi Victoria, I am very sorry to hear about your Husband's diagnosis. My Daughter has just been diagnosed and unfortuately, it has already spread to her lungs. ACC is typically, a slow progressing cancer and many people have decades before any distant metastastic disease is evident. There is a gathering of the Salivary Gland cancer Uk group this Saturday (4/02/23). If you email them, they will provide you with the details where you could attend in person or join via Zoom. There is also a good support network with the ACC facebook group. My daughter has been heartened by talking to patients who have managed the disease with occasional interventional treatments over long periods. 

    I totally understand your fears for the future, my daughter is only 26 and I have worried constantly about her future. It is very easy to say 'a step at a time', but until you have follow up scans you will be wasting valuable time and energy worrying. 

    Please join the gathering on Saturday, gain support from people in similar situations and listen to the experts taliking about advancements and treatments, I think it will be helpful to you. Keeping off Google is a good idea, most of the infornation is dated, out of clinical context and the data is misrepresented. 

    I hope some of what I have said is helpful xx

  • Thank you so much for your kind words. We have a check up today and new scan dates for end of February. I unfortunately can’t make this Saturday but will certainly look into it for future dates